
Chapter 326: Cruel intentions

Sofia slowly walked into the room and stared at Raymond.

"Since when did you start drinking?" She Inquired.

"It's none of your business. Say what you want to say and get out." Raymond replied rudely.

"We have been married for a long time, and we haven't been able to spend quality time together." Sofia muttered.

"So what do you want me to do?" Raymond asked coldly.

"I want you to spend some time with me." She mumbled, looking down.

"You know what? I will, just go and change into something nice." Raymond beamed

"Really?" She asked in a happy tone.

"Yea," he replied. 

Sofia squealed and ran out of the house.

Raymond rushed to the door and locked it.

"Nuisance." He grumbled.

Richard arrived at home with the test results, heading to Raymond's room when he saw two men walking into Sofia's room.  

He walked to the door of her room and hid behind the door, peering into the room.

"What have you guys found?" Sofia asked, staring at them.

 "Madam, I don't know how you will digest this, but the result is a perfect match. The child is his." One of the spies stated.

"You are lying." Sofia said, dragging one of the spies' ties.

 "Madam, calm down. You ask us to tell you nothing but the truth." He protested.

Sofia let go of his tie and landed on the floor.

"No!! Daisy, you have managed to ruin my life! But no, I won't give up." Sofia said, cleaning her face. She got up from the floor and stared at them.

"I want you guys to take out the trash." She muttered with a devious smile.

"What do you mean by that?" One of the spies inquired.

"I want you to kill the mother and son." She declared. Richard gasped, and their gaze turned to the door.

"Who is there?" Sofia asked, walking to the door.

Richard quickly ran and entered the room beside hers. 

Sofia looked around the passage and didn't see anyone.

"Is the child still in the hospital?" Sofia inquired. 

"Yes, madam," they chorused.

"Good, I want you to bribe a doctor for me to end his life." She said, walking to her closet, she opened her closet and took out a black bag, took out a bunch of money, and handed it to them. 

"That's for the doctor. Keep this on a low key. Go before anyone sees you. I will take care of the mother myself." Sofia said with an evil grin.

"Alright, madam." One of them muttered as they exited the room.

Sofia fell onto the bed and put her hand on her head, thinking of what to do next.

Richard looked at the test result and folded it in his pocket. 

"So Sofia has become an assassin, or should I say, a witch, and she wants to kill Daisy and her son. I don't know what I have to do. I think I should tell Raymond." Richard strolled out of his room and knocked on Raymond's door, but he didn't open it.

"He must be asleep. I will come back another time." He muttered to himself and walked away.