
Chapter 325: Test results 2

"Who told you it has nothing to do with us speak." The spy said, pointing a gun at the doctor's head.

"So tell us what the result says." One of them inquired.

"It's...it's a perfect match." The doctor stuttered.

"You can go. That's all we wanted to hear." The spy said and walked away. 

The doctor started, panting, and put his hand on his chest, wondering why they wanted to know the results.

"I am tired of waiting. I am going back to my boss." He heard Mr Josh's voice as he pushed the door open and saw the doctor.

"Why are you here? We have been waiting for you." Mr Josh said. 

"Yes, we have been waiting. Why are you sweating so much?" Richard inquired.

"It's nothing here but the result." The doctor said, handing Richard the envelope.

"What does it say, go straight to the point?" Richard declared 

"Congratulations, it's a perfect match." The doctor beamed.

"Really? I am so happy I could kiss you!!" Richard yelled, staring at the doctor, his happiness knowing no bounds.

"So Ryan is Raymond's son. That's something to be happy about, but why is Daisy keeping this from him?" Mr Josh muttered, stroking his chin as Richard happily put a bunch of money in the doctor's hand.

"Thank you so much, doctor." Richard beamed.

"I am glad I could be of help. I will get going." The doctor said as he walked into his office.

Richard held Mr Josh's shoulder.

"This is great news!" Richard beamed.

"So what's our next step now?" Mr Josh inquired.

"I think we should tell Raymond." Richard stated.

"Are you nuts? Do you want him to faint again?" Mr Josh inquired.

"That's not what I want. I have a feeling if he knows he might regain his memory." Richard replied.

"You are going to be the one to tell him." Mr Josh declared

"You are such a baby, I can't believe you are older than me." Richard whined.

"Let's go back. I am worried about him." Mr Josh said, walking away.

They arrived at the entrance of the hospital, walking towards their car when they bumped into Gwen. On the way, she flipped her hair, making Mr Josh drool over her.

"What are you staring at, Mr Josh? Let's go," Richard said, opening the door of the car. 

"Go, I am not going anymore." Mr Josh muttered as Gwen approached him.

"Good morning, handsome." She beamed. 

"Good morning, how was your night?" Mr Josh asked, walking into the hospital with her.

Richard stood by the car watching them go and shook his head.

"Look at someone who is worried about his boss. He saw a woman. He has lost his senses." Richard commented, and then entered his car and drove off.

Raymond was laying on his bed drinking wine when the things Daisy said to him kept playing in his head.

"I don't know why I can't get her off my mind." He groaned and continued drinking when he heard a knock on the door.

"Come in," he muttered.