
Chapter 324: Test results

Daisy sighed, trying to control herself.

"He has gone home." She muttered.

"Why?" Ryan inquired.

"He has some really important business to attend to." Daisy replied.

"Mommy, when will you take your bath?" Ryan asked.

"I don't know when someone else will come. I can't leave you here alone, and the doctor hasn't talked about your discharge yet," Daisy muttered.

"I want to go home." Ryan whined.

Mrs Louis sauntered into the room.

"I thought you had gone home." Daisy muttered.

"Yes, I went home because I couldn't find you." Mrs Louis muttered.

"I want to go home. Look after Ryan for me." Daisy stated, attempting to go. 

"You really need to take your bath." Mrs Louis whined, wrinkling her nose.

"Okay." Daisy muttered and walked out of the room


Raymond furiously stomped into the house when he bumped into Mr Josh.

"Good morning, sir. You look angry." Mr Josh muttered.

"Don't ever go near Ryan and his mother." Raymond declared.

"Why? What happened?" Mr Josh inquired.

"She is a bitch!" Raymond cursed and stomped away.

"I wonder what happened between them." Mr Josh muttered.

"Hey! Mr Josh, I am going to get the result. Are you coming with me?" Richard inquired. 

"I can't go; my boss is angry." Mr Josh replied.

"Come let's go. Today is the weekend, so you don't need to dance to his tones." Richard stated and put his hand around Mr Josh's shoulder, leading him out of the house.

They both arrived at the hospital and went straight to the doctor's office.

Richard knocked on the door.

"Come in." The doctor declared

Richard and Mr Josh walked into the room.

"Good morning, sir. Have a seat." The doctor stated.

"No need, I am just here for the result of the test." Richard declared.

"Wait here; let me go get it." The doctor stated and walked out of the room.

"So he doesn't even have it in his office." Mr Josh whined.

"I pray that child belongs to Raymond." Mr Josh muttered.

"Let's wait and see, but Daisy has a husband. Have you seen her husband?" Richard inquired.

"I don't think she does." Mr Josh replied.

The doctor was walking towards his office when Sofia's spies blocked him on the way.

"Who are you? How may I help you?" The doctor inquired, staring at them.

"We want to know what's in that envelope." One of them declared.

"This is a test result. What does it have to do with you?" The doctor asked flatly.

"That's not your consign." One of them said, and snatched the envelope from him.

"Give me back my envelope." The doctor protested. 

The other spy held the doctor while the other opened the envelope. He stared at it, but he didn't understand the result.

"What does this mean?" He asked bluntly.

"I thought you were a doctor." The doctor whined.

"Let him go." The spy commanded and handed the result back to the doctor.

"Explain what is written there." He declared.

"I don't know why you guys want to know about something that has nothing to do with you." The doctor whined.