
Chapter 323: Glad he is fine

As soon as Raymond strolled out of the room.

Daisy stood in front of him with her hands folded and her eyes fixed on him.

"What do you want to talk about?" Raymond asked with his head held high.

"Look down at me. You are too tall. I want to see your face when I talk to you." Daisy declared. 

Raymond looked down at her.

"I want you to stay away from my son from now on." Daisy declared, putting her hand together.

"What are you saying? Ryan is like a son to me." Raymond protested.

"I want you to stay away from me and my family. We are not of the same class. You being friends with my son can bring danger to our life." Daisy stated, with her eyebrows slightly raised.

"Why are you being so unreasonable? I know that Ryan is hospitalized because of me. I am ready to take responsibility and prevent it from happening again." Raymond assured.

"It won't happen again as long as you stay away from us." Daisy said and was about to go when Raymond grasped her hand and pushed her to the wall, staring into her eyes.

"Didn't you lose your job? I am willing to give you another job if you just give me a chance to make things right." Raymond pleaded.

"Even though I need another job, I won't accept help from you." Daisy replied bluntly.

"Why are you acting this way towards me? Do you hate me?" Raymond asked bluntly.

"How am I behaving? Ryan is my son, and I have the right to choose who he hangs out with." Daisy said, poking his chest.

"You have no right. Ryan is a human being. He has the right to choose his friends, not you." Raymond snarled.

"How old are you, 9? Why would a grown man like you want to be friends with a kid?" Daisy asked flatly. Raymond smirked. He didn't know either. He just liked Ryan.

"I am practically his big brother. There are a lot of things I can do for him that you can't. I am rich. I can get anything he wants for him with the snap of a finger." Raymond said confidently. Daisy frowned at his change of tone. He had started to disgust her by bragging about his wealth. 

"Wow, now I know your real personality. You have shown me how disgusting you are by reminding me that I am poor. I don't want to see you around my son again. Go away!!" Daisy said, pushing him by the chest.

Raymond didn't know what came over him, but he felt hurt by her reaction. Maybe he had gone too far.

"I am.." He couldn't complete his sentence when she put her hand on his face.

"I don't want to hear it." Daisy declared and entered Ryan's room and slammed the door.

Raymond wanted to knock and back away; he wasn't the type to beg forgiveness.

"Well, it's your lost!!" He yelled and stomped away.

Daisy rested her back on the door. Maybe she was right about Raymond. A leopard never changes its spots. She hated him more than ever.

"Mommy, where is my hero?" Ryan inquired, making her blood boil.

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