
Chapter 322: Glad he is okay

"Mommy!!" Daisy heard Ryan's melodious voice and knew, as a matter of fact, that she had missed his voice.

Tears started coming out of her eyes as she ran to Ryan on the bed. A nurse was beside him feeding him.

Daisy ran to him and hugged him tightly, with their faces rubbing together. Ryan couldn't breathe well.

"Too much tightness." He mumbled 

Daisy let go of him and touched his cheek.

"I am sorry, my boy. How are you feeling now?" Daisy asked, staring at him.

"My head hurts a lot, mommy," Ryan complained.

"Don't worry, you will be fine. Trust me." She beamed.

"Mommy, you stink. Your face is dirty," Ryan muttered. Daisy's face flushed.

"Shut up mommy, haven't been able to go home because of you. How did this happen?" Daisy inquired.

"I don't know mommy, my hero was buying me ice cream and I was sitting on a bench near the restaurant minding my own business when a man stopped his car in front of me and started calling me; I was about to ignore him and run to my hero when he hit me with his car," Ryan muttered, looking down.

"It's okay, my boy, mommy is here with you." Daisy beamed, caressing his hair.

The nurse was holding the food and staring at them when Daisy noticed her and took the food from her.

"Don't worry, I will feed him," Daisy assured.

"Alright, madam." The nurse said as she walked out of the room.

Daisy scooped the food and put it closer to Ryan's mouth. 

Ryan took the food on the spoon and started chewing it.

"Mommy, where is my hero?" Ryan inquired.

Daisy rolled her eyes.

"Eat your food and stop thinking about your so-called hero," Daisy whined.

"But mommy, I want to..." Daisy put food in his mouth, preventing him from speaking.

"It's not fair." He muttered with pouted lips when Raymond walked into the room.

"My hero!!" Ryan yelled, trying to get up from bed when the drip attached to his hand pulled him back.

"Ouch!" He groaned, holding his hand.

"What is wrong with you? Stay down." Daisy scolded, arranging the drip.

"Ryan, you shouldn't have done that. You are not in good condition to walk," Raymond stated, walking closer to Ryan.

Ryan grasped Raymond's hand.

"It's good to see you, my hero. I was dreaming about you." Ryan beamed.

"You didn't dream about me." Daisy whined.

"How are you now, little one?" Raymond muttered, stroking his hair.

"Much better." Ryan replied with a weak smile.

"Eat your food," Daisy said, putting a spoon in his mouth.

"I don't want to eat anymore. I am full." Ryan grumbled.

"You haven't eaten anything. You must eat." Daisy insisted.

"No, mommy please." Ryan muttered with puppy dogs eyes.

"Argh." Daisy was thinking it was because of Raymond that he didn't want to eat.

"Alright, I won't force you." Daisy declared and turned to Raymond.

"Come with me. I want to talk to you." Daisy said walking out of the room.

"What does she want?" Ryan whispered to Raymond.

"I have no idea." Raymond mouthed and ran after Daisy.