
Chapter 321: DNA test 2

"What do you guys want? It better not be money because I have already given you all you asked for." She snapped.

"Calm down, madam, I am not going to demand money. I just have a little information I want to share." The spy replied.

"Tell me." She muttered.

"Richard is trying to conduct a DNA test for your husband and Daisy’s child. They think her child belongs to Raymond." The spy replied.

"Are you sure about what you are telling me? Why would they think such a thing?" she asked, raising her voice.

"I don’t know, madam." The spy replied.

"Find out what the test result says and report it to me." She declared.

"I will, madam." He stated and hung up.

Sofia smiled widely and held tightly to her hair.

"The child can’t be Raymond's, can it?" She muttered, asking no one in particular. She walked to the mirror and looked at her face in the mirror.

"It won’t be his child. If it is his child, I will have to kill Daisy and the child too!!!" she yelled and smashed her mirror with her hand and fell on the floor.

"No it can’t be!!" she yelled, rolling on the floor.

"Sofia, what’s the matter?" Mrs Kingston asked, knocking on the door.

"Nothing! Go away!!" Sofia yelled.

"Okay, if you say so, but keep your voice down." Mrs Kingston declared.

"You keep your voice down." Sofia replied rudely and got up from the floor, wiping her tears.

"No, I'm not going to cry about the outcome; it hasn't been released yet, but think positively." She muttered to herself and took a deep breath

The doctor finished taking the blood from  Raymond’s hand.

Raymond stared at the empty bed in the room.

"Can I sleep here?" Raymond asked flatly.

"Yes." The doctor replied.

Raymond smirked and walked out of the room. He walked over to Daisy on the bench and carried her in his arms. Daisy felt someone lifting her, but she didn’t pay attention. She thought she was dreaming.

He carried her into the room and laid her on the bed. Daisy felt calm as her back landed on the bed.

Raymond watched the bed and settled down on a chair next to it.

The next day.

Daisy opened her eyes and realized she was sleeping on the bed. She looked around the room. She couldn’t make out where she was because the room looked like a five-star hotel. She saw Raymond sleeping with his head against the wall.

She grabbed a pillow from the bed and threw it at him. He woke up immediately and stared at her.

"Where am I?" she asked, grabbing the duvet.

"You are still in the hospital. Don’t worry. It's just a room I borrowed." He assured.

Daisy didn’t allow him to talk. She quickly jumped down from the bed and ran out of the room.

"Wait, you should at least wash your face." Raymond remarked.

Daisy started walking heavily, walking to Ryan’s room. She looked outside and didn’t see her mom or Gwen.

She opened the hospital room and strolled inside.

Author’s note

I'd like to thank everyone who has supported me since the beginning and has read this book. Words can’t express the happiness I feel inside. That’s why I gave you guys three chapters today.

This book has won the Christmas writing contest, all thanks to you guys. The beautiful readers of this book: I want to say thanks for taking your time to read this book and review it. I want to say thank you. I love you all. I didn’t believe it would be possible, but it happened all thanks to you guys and God, who hasn’t forgotten me and wiped away all my sorrows. Continue reading; just know that the authoress loves you. Much love.