
Chapter 320: DNA test

Minutes later. 

Richard ran into the hospital and ran to the room he was told Ryan was in. He sighted Raymond and Daisy sleeping at the side, with Daisy’s head on top of Raymond’s shoulder. He smiled widely, staring at them.

"They are the perfect match." He remarked, staring at them when a doctor walked up to him.

"I am here, Mr Richard." The doctor beamed. Richard shook the doctor.

"I called you here. I want to conduct a DNA test on my brother and that kid lying over there, but I don’t want my brother to find out." Richard stated.

"Don’t worry, he won’t find out. Trust me." The doctor beamed.

"How can you take his blood without his knowledge?" Richard inquired.

"Watch me." The doctor stated and walked closer to Raymond. He started tapping Raymond on the shoulder.

Raymond opened his eyes immediately and stared at him and also sighted Richard. He scrunched his face and removed Daisy’s head from his shoulder and rested her head on the wall.

"I would like to see you about something, Mr King." The doctor stated.

Raymond got up from his chair and yawned, putting his hand on his mouth.

"What are you doing here, Rich?" Raymond asked, glaring at his brother.

"I heard what happened. I am so sorry." Richard muttered, putting on a sad face.

"News flies, it’s okay, I have things under control." Raymond assured and stared at the doctor.

"What do you want to talk to me about?" Raymond inquired.

"The child needs a little more blood." The doctor stated walking away with Raymond.

"Why didn’t you say that earlier? I am willing to give more blood as long as he is fine." Raymond assured he hasn’t been able to recover from the blood he gave Ryan the last time.

Richard smiled, watching them go.

"I guess the doctor is an expert. I wonder where Mr Josh went."  Richard stated, looking around.

"So they are all going to sleep here." Richard remarked and started walking out of the hospital.


Sofia and Mr Josh arrived at home.

"Why is Raymond so interested in Daisy these days?" Sofia inquired.

"I don’t know. I guess his memory is coming back." Mr Josh replied, walking to the entrance with Sofia.

"I have to act fast before things get out of hand. Since you don’t want to have sex with me, I have to ask someone else." Sofia muttered, winking at one of the bodyguards who smiled widely at her.

"I can’t believe you are still thinking of doing something so disgusting. What if Raymond does a DNA test?" Mr Josh inquired.

"He will never find out, I will bribe my way through." She replied flatly.

"He won’t believe he is the father of your child since he hasn’t slept with you." Mr Josh replied,

"What if he does?" she asked, and stomped into the house.

"Mad woman." Mr Josh mumbled.

Sofia got into her room and slammed the door when her phone started ringing. It was a call from one of her spies.