
Chapter 315: Criminal

"Because of you, my little muffin is fighting for his life. I don’t know why he calls you his hero. You are no hero." She snarled, crying continuously.

"I understand your pain," Raymond assured.

"No, you don’t! You don’t understand anything? Do you know how much I want to go see my son right now? But no, I can’t because I am stuck in this hellhole." She lamented, sobbing bitterly.

"I understand a mother should be with their son at this critical time. That’s what I am here to do. I want to get you out of here." Raymond assured.

"Really?" she inquired, she had a little hope now that she would be able to go to Ryan.

"Yes, I have called my lawyer, Mr Josh, is talking to the officer in charge," Raymond stated.

"Don’t think I will be impressed if you do this. If anything happens to my son, I will  be your worst nightmare." Daisy threatened.

"I assure you, nothing will happen to him. The best doctors are taking care of him." He assured.

"Just because you are rich, you think you can have your way all the time and bully us, poor people." She snarled and turned her back on him.

Raymond was surprised, wondering what she was talking about.

"I will be right back," he announced.

"Whatever." She shrugged.

Raymond walked over to Mr Josh, who was talking to the officer in charge.

"I assure you that this woman is innocent. She is just being framed." Mr Josh protested.

"She is not. We caught her red-handed." He replied.

"Have you guys checked the CCTV footage of her company?" Raymond inquired with his head held high.

"We haven't, but we don’t need to. We already found the criminal." The officer shrugged.

"I would like you guys to investigate this matter," Raymond stated.

"Mr King, I don’t know who this woman is to you, but there is nothing we can do. She is going to do some jail time." He replied bluntly.

Raymond walked closer to him and put his hand on his desk.

"What if I prove her innocence?" Raymond inquired.

"Then she is good to go." He replied.

"Sir, I have called your lawyer." Mr Josh stated, staring at Raymond.

"Let him come in the main time. Let’s visit Mr Clinton." Raymond stated, with an evil grin.

They both started walking out of the police station.

"Do you think Mr Clinton had a hand in this?" Mr Josh inquired.

"I am sure he has, if not he would have tried to bail her out of jail by now she is his assistant after all," Raymond stated they both got into the car and drove off.

Minutes later

They arrived in front of the company. It was already evening, so all the employees had started going home.

Raymond and Mr. Josh walked into the company, looking around; it was empty except for a security guard closing the windows, who saw Raymond and rushed over to them.

"Good evening, sir. How may I help you?" he inquired, bowing slightly.

"Is Mr Clinton here?" Raymond questioned.