
Chapter 314: Out of jail

"I think that was his name." Mrs Louis commented

"Mr Josh, let's go." Raymond declared, attempting to go with him when Mrs Louis stood in front of him and grabbed his inner shirt.

"You are going nowhere. My grandson is in the hospital because of you and you want to leave him alone. What kind of a man are you?" Mrs Louis babbled. 

"Madam, I think you are misunderstanding him. He is trying to go and bail his mother out of prison." Mr Josh assured.

"Is that true?" Mrs Louis inquired.

"Yes, and for the record, I don't like people touching me." Raymond declared, removing her hand from his shirt.

"You are giving me an attitude after what happened?" Mrs Louis whined, glaring at Raymond.

"I am sorry, Madam, it all happened so suddenly. I will try my best to help him in any way I can," Raymond assured.

"Since you guys are going to see Daisy, I want to come with you," Gwen stated.

"Stay back and watch Ryan." Raymond declared and started walking away with Mr Josh.

They both arrived in front of the hospital and got into Raymond's car.

Raymond put on his seat belt and held the steering wheel

"So sir, what are we going to do to Mr Clinton?" Mr Josh inquired.

Raymond was about to start the car when his phone started ringing. He brought out his phone and saw that it was Sofia calling. He opened the door of his car and threw out the phone. 

"Sir, what did you do that for?" Mr Josh inquired. 

Raymond didn't reply and sped up the car


Daisy was in the prison cell, thirsty and hungry. The cops didn't allow her mom to bring food for her.

"Here is your food." A policeman stated that while pushing the food through the small opening under the door, the food landed in front of Daisy. 

She was about to grab it when the other prisoners rushed the food. 

"Go away, it's my food." She protested, trying to fight for her food, but they pushed her away.

She started sobbing and wrapped her hands around herself. On the other hand, her son was in the hospital fighting for his life and she couldn't do anything. Mr Clinton wasn't able to get her out of jail.

She crawled to the gate of the cell, wishing for a miracle to happen when she sighted Raymond and Mr Josh walking into the station.

"Give me my hairpin, you stupid bitch." A prisoner snarled and dragged her hairpin from her hair, making her hair fall on her face.

Raymond's eye landed on hers as he walked over to her, looking down at her. She looked tattered, her hair was shabby, and her face was covered with dirt. Normally he would get disgusted, but he didn't.

"How is my son?" Daisy asked, with her lips trembling. The odor from her mouth entered his nostrils. He nearly fainted and stood up, looking down at her.

"He is still unconscious and the doctors are looking for a way to save him." Raymond replied.