
Chapter 316: Criminal 2

"I think he is still around because he hasn’t left yet." The security guard replied.

"Where can we find the CCTV room?" Raymond asked.

"It’s on the second floor next to Mr Clinton’s office." The security guard replied. Raymond and Mr Josh looked at each other with their eyes wide open and ran into the elevator quickly. Raymond pressed the elevator button.

"Sir, do you think he has erased the data?" Mr Josh inquired.

"Don’t jump to conclusions. Let’s wait and find out." Raymond replied.


Mr Clinton was in his office with a man who was counting drugs in his bag.

"Your assistant has been arrested because of you. Why don’t you look for a way to get her out of jail?" The man said taking the drug from Mr Clinton.

"You think I haven’t tried it? The new officer in that police station doesn’t take a bribe." Mr Clinton replied.

"I am sure that girl will hate you her whole life." The man remarked.

"She is just going to serve a year, that’s all." Mr Clinton shrugged. When Raymond kicked the door open.

"And you are going to serve a lifetime," Raymond stated, with an evil grin.

Mr Clinton quickly hid the drug in his hand behind him.

"What are you talking about, King?" he inquired, with sweat forming on his forehead.

"You don’t know what I am talking about?" Raymond inquired and rushed to him. Raymond grabbed his collar and slapped him hard in the face.

"Liar! I have caught you red-handed. You are the real drug dealer, not Ryan's mom." Raymond snarled. The other man tried to run when Mr Josh blocked him at the door.

"What are you going to do, fire me?" Mr Clinton asked confidently. Raymond gnashed his teeth, burning with fury, and punched Mr Clinton hard across the face. His hand penetrated into his face and saliva escaped from his mouth.

Mr Clinton wobbled and passed out on the ground. The drug he was holding spilled all over the floor.

"Mr Josh, call the police," Raymond announced, staring at Mr Josh at the door.

"Please let me go. I am not in this with him." The man pleaded, holding tightly to a bag in his hand.

"Shut your trap!" Raymond said in a rumbling tone.

"Hello officer, we have the real criminals with us here." Mr Josh announced.

"Where are you?" the officer inquired.

"We are in the same company. You caught the lady on the second floor. Come quick." Mr Josh declared.

"We are on our way." The officer replied.

"I don’t want to go to jail. I have a family." The man pleaded.

Raymond smirked and walked over to him.

"So now you know you have a family when you framed an innocent woman you didn’t know." Raymond snarled.

"Please let me go. You can take the drugs." The man said, handing him the bag.

"If you don’t compose yourself, I will send my hand down your face." Raymond threatened.

The man looked sideways and ran to Mr Josh at the door. He kicked Mr Josh hard in the dick.

"Argh!!" Mr Josh groaned in pain, holding his dick.

The man pushed him out of the way and opened the door, and he ran out of the office. Raymond ran after him and halted staring at him as soon as he saw that the police had caught him. 

Author's note

Those of you complaining about the amount of chapters I post daily this month, I have already inform all of you the amount of chapter's I would be able to post this month because I am no longer in the place I use to be. I am adjusting time just to post for your guys but some of you don't appreciate it, if you want more chapters daily tell me then I will stop posting and continue posting next year January when I will be chanced and end the book. it's ending this month on the 24 if you don't know to be left in suspense you can just leave the book when I have completed it you can read. Tell me if you want me to stop. Because I am sad because of the comments I am seeing 😥