
Chapter 313: Blood group

"So it was a hit and run. Don't worry, we will get to the bottom of this." The policeman assured.

"I will be waiting for your feedback," Raymond stated, shaking the policeman's hand.

"Alright, Mr Kingston I will take my leave." The policeman assured and started walking away with other police personnel.

"I don't know why anyone would try to kill a boy like Ryan," Gwen remarked.

"I don't know either," Raymond stated. 

A nurse dashed out of the room, staring at Raymond.

"Are you the child's father?" She inquired.

"No..I..I am." Raymond stuttered.

"The child is in a precarious condition. He needs blood." The nurse stated.

"What kind of blood?" Raymond inquired.  

"His blood type is O+, so we need a donor." The nurse stated.

Raymond was stunned. 

"That's my blood type," Raymond stated.

"Okay, come with me." The nurse stated walking away with Raymond.

"Mr Josh, don't go anywhere." Raymond declared.

Mr Josh turned to Gwen and rolled his eyes.

"As if I am going anywhere." He whined.

"Is it a mere coincidence that he has the same blood type as Ryan?" Gwen inquired. 

"Don't overthink it; people have similar blood types." Mr Josh replied. He didn't even think of it.

Raymond was lying on the bed while the nurse was taking blood from his body. This is the least he could do because Ryan was in this condition because of him.

Minutes later

The nurse removed the needle from his hand, and he sat up on the bed, staring at her.

"You are good to go." She stated, giving him a ball of cotton wool to press the opening with.

"Will he be okay?" Raymond inquired.

"We don't know yet. We are going to give him the blood and give you feedback." The nurse replied.

"Thank you," Raymond stated and strolled out of the room when he spotted Mr Josh and Gwen sitting on the couch. They were about to kiss.

"Are you guys here to sympathize with me or make love?" He asked coldly. They both separated and turned to him, smiling nervously.

"What happened to my grandson?" They heard Mrs Louis's voice from afar; she was running to them.

"He was hit by a car," Raymond replied.

"By a car? How did that happen? I told him not to go and see you because that boy is too tenacious. Now look what happened to him." She lamented, with tears rushing out of her eyes.

"Ma, don't cry. He will be okay. I just gave him blood," Raymond assured.

"You just gave him blood? How is that going to help the pain his mother is going through right now in jail?" Mrs Louis ranted.

"In jail!!" They all chorused, including Gwen.

"Haven't you guys heard that she is in jail?" Mrs Louis inquired.

"No, what happened?" Raymond asked curiously..

"She was arrested for drug trafficking, and she told me it had something to do with her boss." Mrs Louis stated.

"Mr Clinton." Raymond stated, through clenched teeth.