
Chapter 312: Incident 2

Raymond arrived in front of the hospital with Ryan and quickly carried him out of the car, running into the hospital with him.

A nurse ran to him,

"It's an emergency, help me!" Raymond yelled. 

Two nurses pushed a bed towards him. He laid Ryan on the bed. When the nurses began to push Ryan away, he became agitated.Raymond ran after them.

"Please try your best to save my son." Raymond stated. Ryan was like a son to him, and seeing Ryan in this condition made him feel weak

"Don't worry, we will try our best. You can wait for me." The nurse stated as they entered a room with Ryan.

Raymond stood in front of the room, staring into thin air. It all happened in the blink of an eye. He remembered the plate numbers.

"B4638475: no, it ended with 6." He muttered to himself and dialed the police number.

He was sitting there waiting for the police when he dialed Mr Josh's number.

"Hello Mr Josh, I need your help. An accident just occurred," Raymond stated in a shaky voice.

"What kind of accident? You sound weird." Mr. Josh remarked.

"Ryan has just been in a car accident because of me," Raymond muttered, with his lips trembling.

"What!! I am on my way. Where are you?" Mr Josh asked.

"I am in the city hospital," Raymond replied.

"I will be here right away." Mr Josh stated, and hung up.

Raymond put down his head. He doesn't know how he was going to face Daisy if she finds out. Maybe this could be the last time he is going to see Ryan.

He started tapping his feet on the floor impatiently. 

Minutes later, he felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked up and realized it was Mr Josh and Gwen.

He hugged Mr Josh immediately.

"It's all my fault." Raymond lamented Mr Josh stroked his back.

"It's not your fault. Let's wait for the doctor's feedback." Mr Josh remarked. Raymond pulled away from the hug.

"They have been in there for hours now, I hope nothing happens to Ryan. If anything happens to him, I won't forgive myself." Raymond groaned and stared at Gwen.

"Have you called his mother?" Raymond inquired.

"I have, but her phone is unreachable, but I have talked to his grandma," Gwen muttered.

"Argh!" Raymond groaned, holding his hair tightly.

"Calm down, I know Ryan will be okay. He is a fighter," Gwen assured.

"This is a big disgrace to me. I was out with a child and I couldn't protect him," Raymond muttered.

"We are here, Mr Raymond." A police officer said he was walking to Raymond.

"I need your help to find a criminal. My son has just been hit by a car." Raymond declared.

"Do you have anything to assist us with?" The policeman inquired.

"I saw his plate number. It was B4...." The policeman cut in.

"Wait, let me write it down." The policeman said bringing out a note from his pocket.

"Why is he calling Ryan his son?" Gwen whispered to Mr Josh.

"So they will be fast in finding the criminal." Mr Josh replied.