
Chapter 311: Incident

Raymond drove his car to the side of the restaurant. He stepped out of the car.

Ryan ran to him, smiling brightly at him.

"Good afternoon, my hero." He beamed. Raymond scattered his hair.

"How are you, little one? Let's go inside." Raymond declared.

"We can't go, the restaurant is closed," Ryan stated.

"Then why didn't you tell me I would have come to see you at home?" Raymond whined.

"I know, but we already agreed to see here," Ryan replied.

"Come, let's sit over there," Raymond stated, walking to sit on a bench in front of the restaurant with him.

They both settled down on the chair.

"How long have you been here?" Raymond inquired.

"You have nothing to worry about, my hero. I just got here." Ryan beamed.

"How is your mom?" Raymond asked.

"Don't talk about her. I am angry with her. She hasn't come home since yesterday," Ryan whined.

"She has her reasons. Don't be like that," Raymond muttered. Just then, an ice cream truck started passing.

Ryan got down from the chair, dragging Raymond's hand with him.

"My hero, buy ice cream for me." He grinned and drew Raymond along with him.

Raymond got up from the chair and put his hand on Ryan's shoulder.

"Sit here while I go get it." Raymond smiled.

"I want to come with you," Ryan muttered, with pouted lips.

"The truck is just across the street. I will get it and come back. Trust me," Raymond assured.

"Okay, my hero, be quick. I want strawberry flavor," Ryan demanded.

"No problem." Raymond mumbled and brought out his wallet, walking across the street to get the ice cream for Ryan.

He arrived in front of the ice cream truck.

"I want ice cream in strawberry flavor," Raymond demanded, staring at the seller.

"One coming right up." He beamed.

Raymond was standing there waiting for the ice cream when he heard a loud noise.

He turned to look at where the sound was coming from and saw Ryan falling to the ground. He was hit by a car.

Raymond didn't know how to react. The sight was dreadful. He ran quickly to Ryan and stared at the car.

He saw the driver's face; it was the same gangster who he had fought for Ryan.

Raymond stared at his plate number as he zoomed off. 

Raymond kneeled to Ryan's level and lifted him off the ground. He was covered in his own blood.

"Ryan, please stay with me," Raymond muttered, carrying him to his car.

"Ryan, please talk to me!!" Raymond yelled, staring at Ryan, whose face was covered with blood. Tears started coming out of Raymond's eyes. It was because of him that Ryan was in this condition. He shouldn't have left him alone.

Raymond put Ryan in the back seat quickly and got into his car and drove off at great speed. 

"Ryan, please stay with me!!" Raymond yelled, looking at him in the front mirror.

Ryan opened his eyes slowly and closed them back.

"Fuck, all this is happening because of me. What am I going to tell his mom if he dies?" Raymond lamented, with tears falling down his pale cheeks.