
Chapter 310: Meet up

She screwed up her face and wrapped her hand around herself.

Later in the afternoon.

Raymond was walking out of his company with Mr Josh.

"Sir, where are you going?" Mr Josh inquired.

"Don't worry, I am not going to the other branch. I want to go see Ryan." Raymond beamed.

"You really like that little boy. Anyway, I can't come with you. I have a date." Mr Josh stated.

"Who is the lucky girl? I hope it's not my wife." Raymond stated, with clenched teeth.

"No..no, it's not her." Mr Josh stuttered, stepping backward.

"Good," Raymond said as he pressed his car's remote. His car drove up in front of him.

"Remember to be back before me." Raymond declared.

"Okay." Mr Josh stated, rolling his eyes.

Raymond entered his car and drove off.

"I will not have fun because of him." Mr Josh grumbled and walked away.


Sofia was reading a magazine on the couch with her legs crossed when her phone rang.

"Hello," she muttered.

"Your husband is on his way to see the child again." Her spy informed.

"Can you guys do something to stop him?" She inquired.

"We are sorry, ma, but there is nothing we can do. He is almost at the restaurant." He replied.

"It's okay." She stated and cut the call.

She saw Mrs Kingston walking towards her in a stylish dress and a handbag. She quickly ran to her. 

"Mom, where are you going? I need you to do something for me." She muttered..

"I have a meeting with my friends. What do you want me to do?" Mrs Kingston inquired

"Can you call Raymond for me and lie to him?" She inquired, battling her lashes.

"About what?" Mrs Kingston asked bluntly.

Sofia made gestures at her and placed her phone in Mrs Kingston's hand.

"I don't know if he will answer the call since he is driving." Mrs Kingston muttered and dialed Raymond's number.

Raymond saw his phone ringing in front of him and used one eye to look at the caller. It was Sofia.

He didn't have the intention of picking up her call, so he made a U-turn in the road that leads to the restaurant.

His phone kept ringing non-stop. He angrily parked his car on the side of the road and picked up the call.

"Hello! What's your fucking problem?" He scourged.

"Is this how you treat your wife?" He heard Mrs Kingston's voice.

"Gosh! Mom, what do you want?" He inquired.

"Sofia just had an electric shock. You need to come back home right now." Mrs Kingston declared.

"How did that happen? Why does she need me? Can't you take care of her?" he asked

"I can, but she is only calling your name." Mrs Kingston stated

"I will come later. I have a really important business to attend to," he replied

"I don't want to hear it come here this instant." Mrs Kingston chastised.

Raymond hung up on her.

"Who does she think she is to boss me around?" He stated under his breath. 

He started his car and began driving towards the restaurant. He sighted Ryan in front of the restaurant.