
Chapter 309: In jail

Raymond walked out of his room with Mr Josh putting on his jacket in haste.

"Where is the lady?" He inquired, staring at Mr Josh.

"Sir, I think she has already left." Mr Josh replied.

"Why will she leave without telling me?" Raymond inquired, walking down the stairs.

"I saw her. I think she was in a hurry." Sofia stated, walking towards them.

"Okay." Mr Josh replied.

"Go get the car. I think I am going to her branch today." Raymond declared.

"But sir, we can't go there. There is a problem in the main company that needs your attention." Mr Josh replied.

"Alright, let's go there." Raymond muttered, walking away with Mr Josh.

"I'm curious why he's so interested in Daisy, despite the fact that he has lost his memory; why does she have to come back into his life!!" Sofia yelled, gripping her hair tightly.

"Sofia dear calm down, it's not like he is going to bring her back into this house." Mrs Kingston said, walking over to her.

"I hope so," Sofia muttered


Daisy was thrown into the jail cell, she landed on her bum. She looked around and saw other women beside her.

She held her nose. The place was smelly and disgusting.

She moved toward the door, staring at the policeman.

"Please, you can't hold me hostage. I am a mother." She declared.

The policeman smirked, walking towards her.

"When you were trafficking drugs, you didn't know that you were a mother." He snarled.

"I promise I am innocent." She protested.

"Take this talk to your child over the phone," he stated, handing Daisy her phone.

She stretched her hand and took it. Her hands were trembling as she held the phone and dialed her mom's number.

"You have five minutes." The policeman declared.

Mrs Louis finally picked up Daisy's call.

"Hello Mom," Daisy said in a shaky voice.

"What's wrong with you? You sound weird." Mrs Louis stated before Daisy could utter a word, she cut in.

"Ryan is angry with you because you lied to him that you were coming home last night." Mrs Louis replied.

"I didn't lie, the rain was too much and now I don't think I can come home today either," Daisy muttered 

"Your time is ticking." The policeman declared.

"Why? And who is that over there with you?" Mrs Louis inquired.

"Mom, I am in the police station. I have been arrested." Daisy stated bluntly.

"What! How come?" Mrs Louis inquired.

"For a drug, they found in my bag that doesn't belong to me," Daisy replied.

"This is serious. Tell me the address of the police station. I will go there." Mrs Louis stated...

"No, don't come; just stay at home and look after Ryan; I will find a way out," Daisy muttered.

"You are saying nonsense, I will...." The policeman took the phone from Daisy.

"Whoever you are, she is in the Roadtown police station." The policeman stated and then hung up.

Daisy looked down and strolled into the cell to sit close to the wall away from the other prisoners when one of them spat in her direction.