
Chapter 308: Drug 2

The dog rushed to Daisy. He bit her bag and started pulling it. Sweat started forming on her forehead. She knew if she got caught she would definitely go to jail for the first time in her life.

"Open the bag, Miss." He declared dragging his dog away from Daisy, who wouldn’t hesitate to bite her.

Daisy looked at Mr Clinton with pleading eyes. She didn’t know why he put the drug in her bag.

"Runaway." He mouthed staring at her.

She battled her lashes and couldn’t believe that he was telling her to run away from the cops, which would be deadly.

"What are you doing, Miss? Open the bag!!" the policeman stated, raising his voice. Daisy became frustrated, so she unzipped her bag and opened it to look inside, only to discover that the drug had taken up all of the space in her bag. She swallowed saliva as the policeman started walking towards her, stretching his head to see what was in the bag.

"Give it to me." He stated, pointing a gun to her head, she put her hands in the air. That was unexpected. She can’t go to jail now. Who will take care of Ryan?

She thought as tears started forming in her eyes. The man snatched the bag from her and looked inside.

"Hey! I found the drug." he stated looking at the other policeman.

"Good, let’s go. I know someone won’t just call us out of the blue and lie to us." He stated.

Daisy sighed, putting her hand on her chest, thinking they wouldn’t get her arrested.

"You are under arrest for the trafficking of drugs." The policeman declared he turned Daisy over and put her hands behind her back and handcuffed her.

"Please let me go. I am innocent." She protested, with tears falling down her pale cheeks.

"That’s what all criminals say." He replied, leading her out of the office.

Daisy turned to look at Mr Clinton.

"Please help me!!" she yelled, looking back at him.

"Move it!!" The policeman declared, pushing her violently out of the office.

Mr Clinton didn’t utter a word; he was just standing like a statue at the other end, although he was the reason Daisy had been arrested.

He sat on his desk, putting his hand on his head. If Raymond finds out about this, it will ruin his reputation and he will be fired, so he needs to look for a way to get her out of jail as soon as possible.

He rushed outside the office, running after the policeman. He arrived at the main area and saw other employees taking pictures of Daisy as she was being led outside the office.

"I can’t believe she is a drug dealer and she just started working here." An employee remarked.

"Who will believe a woman with such an innocent face will be this cunning?" Another one added.

Daisy had never felt so embarrassed in her life. She didn’t have a criminal record all her life and now she was going to have one. All that was on her mind was Ryan. How was he going to react to this?