
Chapter 307: Drug

Daisy called a taxi and hopped in. She arrived at work, walking into the building hastily.

"Mrs Daisy, you are here. The boss is waiting for you. Go! go!" An employee exclaimed.

Daisy took to her heels, running into the elevator. She closed the elevator and stood inside. She sighed, tapping her feet on the floor impatiently.

Minutes later.

The door flew open, and she rushed out of the elevator and entered their office.

She saw Mr Clinton searching her desk continuously.

"Sir, I am here." She muttered, announcing her presence. He turned to look at her. He was sweating profusely. He looked at her from top to bottom and noticed she was wearing the clothes from yesterday. His gaze stopped on her bag. He rushed over to her quickly.

"Give me your bag." He declared.

"What do you need my bag for?" she asked bluntly.

"No time to explain, just give it to me." He said. he was trying to take her bag.

"Just tell me what you want, I will give it to you." She stated she didn’t want to give him her bag because she had sanitary pads inside and it was embarrassing for her.

"The drugs are in.." Mr Clinton couldn’t complete his sentence when the door flew open and two policemen walked into the office staring at them.

Mr Clinton shuddered backward.

"Did I just hear drugs?" the policeman inquired.

"No..no sir, what a pleasant surprise! What brought you here?" Mr Clinton inquired, with his lips trembling.

"Why are you getting scared? We just received a call from someone that you guys are doing illegal business here." The policeman stated

Mr Clinton gulped. He was wondering who called the cops on them. He had managed to get rid of all the drugs, but the last one was in Daisy’s bag.

"You must be mistaken; we don’t do anything like that here." Daisy protested. They both glared at her.

"Stay out of this woman; we don’t talk to a woman." One of the policemen snarled.

"Do you have a search warrant?" Mr Clinton asked flatly.

"Yes, we do, take a look." The policeman stated he was handing a paper to Mr Clinton. He took the paper from the policeman and stared at it. His eyes nearly popped out of their sockets.

"We will start searching now." One of the policemen stated.

"To make it easy, we brought our dog." He added, walking out of the room.

Mr Clinton started giving Daisy the signal to run out of the office before she got caught. The policeman strolled over to Mr Clinton’s desk searching it.

Daisy started walking backward, making sure she didn’t make any noise when she bumped into a furry animal. She turned back and realized it was the dog who started barking continuously the moment he saw her.

"Where are you going, Miss?" the policeman inquired, glaring at her.

"I need to go and do something." She replied. As she attempted to leave the office, the dog began to bark loudly, dragging the police officer towards her.

"I am afraid you can’t go, Miss. I will have to search you." The policeman stated.