
Chapter 306: Grumpy Sofia

It was still raining heavily outside. She sighed and took her phone to call Ryan.

Raymond finished eating and stared at Mr Josh.

"Why didn't she come out for dinner?" Raymond inquired.

"I don't know." Mr Josh replied. 

Raymond got up from his chair; he wanted to go to Daisy's room.

"Where are you going?" Sofia inquired.

"I am going to check up on her," Raymond replied.

"No need, I will do it," Sofia stated with a toothy smile. She didn't wait for Raymond's reply and scurried away.

Sofia started knocking on Daisy's door with clenched teeth. She wanted to scold Daisy or maybe fight her.

But Daisy didn't open the door.

"She must be asleep already. That's a good thing." Sofia smiled and walked back to the living room. Everyone has already gone to bed. She saw Mr Josh on the couch watching a movie.

She ran to him and sat on his lap. He opened his eyes wide in surprise as she moved her hips over his bulge.

"Get off of me. What are you doing?" He stated and pushed her away.

"Please reconsider your decision." she pleaded and sat on his lap again, running her hand down his chest.

"You are doing this in your husband's house. You are not even afraid he will catch you." Mr Josh muttered.

"I don't care." She whispered.

"Mr Josh, where is my briefcase?" Raymond asked from the balcony, looking down at them. 

They both opened their eyes wide, staring at each other.

"See what you cost." Mr Josh stated through clenched teeth.

"Answer me, Mr Josh," Raymond declared.

"It.. it's in your closet." Mr Josh stuttered.

Sweat started forming on Sofia's forehead as she looked up at Raymond.

"It's not what you think." She protested.

"I don't care. Carry on." Raymond declared and walked away.

Sofia quickly got up from his lap.

"He doesn't even care." She muttered.

"There are two justifications for what just happened: either he trusts me or he doesn't give a fuck what you want to do with your life." Mr Josh snarled, glaring at her.

"I know he was just acting cool. I know it will be bugging him." She declared.

"You wish." He muttered and got up from the couch.

"I can't watch a movie in peace because of people like you." He growled and ambled away.

"Fuck Raymond!" She cursed and hit her leg on the couch. She fell to the ground.

"Ahh! Help me?" She groaned, extending her hand to Mr Josh.

Who gives her a dagger eye before walking away.

The next day.

It was early in the morning when Daisy took her dress from the maids and put it on, running out of the house to avoid Raymond.

Her phone started ringing, so she stood in front of the house and picked up the call. It

was a call from Mr Clinton.

"Hello," she muttered.

"Come over here now, there is a crisis." He declared.

"What kind of crisis?" She asked he didn't respond and hung up. Daisy's heart started pounding hard, stressing about why he sounded that way.