
Chapter 298: Going to see Daisy 2

Daisy was lost in thought, wondering who the king was.

They all stared at the entrance as Raymond walked majestically into the company with Mr Josh behind him. Daisy was stunned as she sighted Raymond, who was walking towards them with a great aura, his hands in his pocket, his chest out and his head held high. He was elegantly dressed as he stood in front of them staring at them one after the other, whereas he was looking for Daisy.

His ocean green eyes sparkled as he stared at Daisy. She looked down, avoiding his gaze. She was so shy that she wanted to evaporate, so Raymond is the king, not just that he is standing in front of her. 

So she was working in his company without even knowing it.

Raymond smirked as he stared at Daisy and walked to the beginning of the line.

"I want the record of all the sales for this month." Raymond declared. A employee raised his hand.

"Yes." Raymond answered.

"But this month just started." The employee protested.

"I know." Raymond smirked as he walked over to Daisy.

"How are you Miss? So this is where you work? How is Ryan?" Raymond beamed as all the employees turned to look at Daisy. They were all stunned as to how Daisy came to know the king.

Daisy's legs were wobbling as she looked up at him trying to maintain eye contact with him.

"He is fine." She muttered gripping tightly to the coffee.

"Good to her..." Raymond couldn't complete his sentence when Daisy spilled the coffee on his suit.

All the employees gasped, including Mr Josh, as the coffee started dripping out of Raymond's suit. The cup fell from Daisy's hand immediately.

"I am so so sorry sir," she pleaded, with sweat forming on her forehead as she brought out her handkerchief and grabbed Raymond's suit, wiping it with her handkerchief.

Everyone's jaw dropped, including Mr Josh's, because

Daisy was touching Raymond without his permission. To their greatest surprise, Raymond didn't scold Daisy, he was just smiling.

"It's okay, I will get another one." Raymond beamed. 

Daisy awkwardly let go of his suit as she noticed that all eyes were on her and also the female employees who were looking at her with jealous eyes.

Raymond didn't know how he was able to control himself from scolding Daisy, although she had ruined his suit.  He just felt butterflies in his tummy as she was touching him just now.Mr Clinton ran to Raymond bowing slightly.

"You are welcome sir, what brings you here?" Mr Clinton inquired.

"I want to work here for today." Raymond stated.

"This way sir, your office is on the second floor." Mr Josh beamed walking away with Raymond as he dismiss the employees with his hand.

"I will go get a new suit for you." Mr Josh muttered as he rushed out of the elevator leaving only Raymond and Mr Clinton.Daisy ran into the elevator and stood beside them.

"Where is my coffee?" Mr Clinton asked bluntly.

"I-I." Raymond cut in.

"She spilled your coffee on my suit, I think you should go get another one." Raymond stated trying to be polite.

"How could you? Are you that clumsy?" Mr Clinton ranted staring at Daisy who looked away.