
Chapter 297: Going to see Daisy

Sofia landed on her back on the bed.

Raymond strolled back into his room and started wearing the clothes Mr Josh had chosen for him. Mr Josh walked into the room

"Sir are you ready? Let's go." Mr Josh inquired.

"Why are you in such a hurry?" Raymond inquired, taking his briefcase from the wardrobe. 

"I heard there was going to be a traffic jam this morning." Mr Josh muttered.

"Okay, let's leave now then." Raymond stated this while walking out of the room with Mr Josh, who wanted to go early so he could avoid Sofia


Daisy and Ryan were both standing in front of his school bus.

"Mommy, my hero asked me to go and see him at the restaurant tomorrow. I need transport fare." Ryan beamed.

"You have started with this your hero again. Why can't he come see you at home?" Daisy inquired.

"I don't know, maybe because his office is closer to the restaurant." Ryan suggested.

"You can't go to meet him. If he wants to see you, he should come home instead." Daisy declared.

"But mommy, I already agreed to go see him there." Ryan muttered with pouted lips. 

"I don't care, it is too risky. What if something happens to you along the way, or you get kidnapped or something?" Daisy stated as the driver started hitting the horn of the bus for Ryan to get in.

"You are a wicked mommy." Ryan muttered, looking away as he got onto the bus. Daisy sighed, watching the bus go by as Ryan didn't wave her goodbye. 

"He won't understand me. I want him to stay away from Raymond and never meet up with him again." She stated, clenching her fists as a taxi halted in front of her. She got into the taxi and it drove off.

Minutes later,

 She arrived at work and strolled into her office. She sighted Mr Clinton at his desk and bowed slightly. 

"Good morning." She greeted him, striving to go and drop her bag on her desk when he called out to her.

"Please go get me some coffee." He stated, pushing his food card forward. She took it from his desk and gave him a fake smile before she went to drop her bag on her desk.

Daisy finished buying the coffee and strolled out of the cafeteria, heading towards the elevator, when all the employees started murmuring as they got up from their seats, staring at the entrance.

Daisy halted and stared at the entrance.

"The king is here!!" An employee yelled, running into the company. They all started arranging their desks at great speed and rushed out of their desks and stood in one line with their heads held high.

"Miss, what are you doing there? Come join us," an employee muttered, waving at Daisy, who was confused. She held tightly to the coffee and joined them in the queue. 

"Have you called Mr Clinton to come down?" An employee inquired, talking to another one.

"I have called him. He should be here any moment from now." he replied.