
Chapter 296: Drug addict

"Oh no, what am I going to do now?" She muttered with her hand on her chest.

The next day.

When Raymond woke up in the morning, he removed the duvet from his body and got out of bed, stretching his muscles.

He was feeling energized because today was the day he wanted to go to the other branch to see Daisy. He didn't know why he wanted to see her or was so happy.

He ambled into the bathroom. After bathing, he rushed out and looked around, but there was no sign of Sofia. She always knew when he woke up from sleep, but today she didn't come to select clothes for him..

He wasn't that good at choosing clothes. He walked to the door and opened it, poking his hair outside the room.

"Sofia!!" He yelled, but got no response. 

"Sofia!!" He yelled as his voice echoed in the mansion. Everyone was still asleep in their rooms.

"This woman is playing with me." He grunted he wanted to walk out of the room when Mr Josh stopped him.

"I will help you pick out some clothes." Mr Josh beamed as Raymond hit him lightly on the head.

"Is that how you greet?" Raymond asked, glaring at him. He cleared his throat, looking down.

"Good morning, sir." He greeted.

"Morning, you can go and select the clothes I want to go and see why Sofia is not answering my calls." Raymond muttered as he started walking towards Sofia's room.

He opened the room and snooped around. Sofia was sleeping on the bed, half naked, and the room reeked of alcohol.

Raymond walked into the room and opened the curtains as he fixed his eyes on her body.

She was wearing only a bra and pants, and a bottle of alcohol was lying all over her room and also on her bed, where he found cocaine.

Raymond grabbed the cocaine and stared at it before tossing it to the ground. He used the duvet to cover Sofia and started tapping her on the shoulder.

"Leave me alone." She muttered.

"I am not going to leave you alone. Since when did you become a drug addict?" Raymond inquired, glaring at her.

She started feeling his hand and grasped it, holding it tightly to her chest. Raymond pulled his hand from her grip and gave her a resounding slap across the face, waking her from her sleep. Sofia scrunched her face like a baby who wanted to cry while holding her cheek.

She slowly opened her eyes and saw Raymond. Fear gripped her as she sat up on the bed and moved to the wall of the bed, covering herself with the duvet.

"Is it morning already?" She inquired, pushing a bottle out of the bed.

"No, it's evening. Just because I have give you so much freedom doesn't mean I will tolerate you bringing cocaine into my house." Raymond ranted. Sofia was just looking down, avoiding his gaze.

"I am sorry, my husband." She muttered.

"I am not your husband; it's king to you. Tidy up this place." He stated authoritatively as he walked out of the room.