
Chapter 295: Shameless wife

"What the fuck! Are you for real? How can you say such a thing?" Mr Josh asked, glaring at her.

"Please just have sex with me. I will give you anything you want." She pleaded, staring into his eyes. 

"Now I know how shameless and disgusting you are. I can't even think of having sex with you. You are my boss's wife." Mr Josh groaned, putting his hand on his face. 

"Please, it will be only between the two of us. I won't tell anybody." She muttered, opening her legs as he got a glimpse of her purple panties. He looked away immediately.

"Why are you so desperate to have a child that you want to do something so disgusting? I can't believe Mrs Kingston thinks you are the best daughter-in-law. Have you perhaps seen Daisy?" He asked, narrowing his eyes at her.

"Yes, I have seen her. She has a child. I also want a child of my own to secure our marriage. Don't worry if I don't get pregnant now. We can still have sex till I do." She suggested.

"Not another word, I don't want to hear that bullshit coming out of your mouth again, for your information Daisy is married not just that if Raymond wanted to divorce you he would have done so long ago." Mr Josh stated, glaring at her. 

"I need a child of my own. I can't continue living this life. Please fuck me." She pleaded, with tears coming out of her eyes.

Mr Josh, on the other hand, raised his upper lip in disgust.

"I don't want to hear you say that F word again, if you want a child that bad why don't you adopt." He snarled.

"It won't be like the one I gave birth to." She stated. Mr Josh pursed his lips into a line. He was getting fed up with Sofia and wanted her to leave his room.

"Get out of my room," he declared, pointing at the door.

She jumped down from the bed and grabbed his right leg, holding it tightly.

"Please just consider me. I will pay you any amount of money. I can do anything for you." She begged, with her lips trembling.

"Let go of my leg." Mr Josh stated, shaking his leg.

"Go or I will shout." He threatened.

She let go of his leg slowly and got up on her feet, walking towards the door. She stole a glance at him.

"Go before I shout." He threatened, and she gulped and left the room.

Mr Josh quickly rushed to lock the door. 

"Pheew." He sighed in relief and collapsed on the bed.

"Fuck me." He muttered and started laughing as he buried his head on the pillow.

Sofia started walking through the mansion. She halted in front of Raymond's room and tried to enter when she realized the door was locked.

She let go of the doorknob and decided to go back to her room.

She entered the room and shut the door, breathing heavily.