
Chapter 291: Child problem

"So what are you planning to do?" Mrs Kingston inquired.

"I don't know yet, but anytime he goes to see the kid, I must surely go there." She muttered with an evil grin.

"I think you are being too hard on yourself. Let Raymond have his own privacy, will you?" Mrs Kingston muttered.

"What privacy? He doesn't deserve any privacy. Why will he refuse to give me a child and always go out to see other people's children, which turns out to be Daisy's?" She ranted.

"Just let it go." Mrs Kingston muttered.

Sofia smirked as she crossed her hand around her chest.

"He wants a kid. I will give it to him." Sofia remarked, smiling widely at Mrs Kingston, who didn't understand what she was saying.

"Give it to him how? Are you going to adopt?" Mrs Kingston inquired as Sofia started walking away.

She turned to look at Mrs Kingston.

"Anything is possible." She muttered and walked away.

"She thinks she is the only one worried that they don't have a child of their own yet, or a symbol of their marriage before Raymond will regain his memory if he will." Mrs Kingston muttered to herself and walked majestically to the kitchen.

Daisy was in her office cleaning her boss's desk as he was raising the files for her.

 An employee rushed in.

"Sir boss's assistant came today. I think he came to spy on us or something." The employee muttered as his eyes drifted to Daisy.

"How do you know him?" He asked, staring at Daisy.

"Know who?" She asked confused.

"Mr Josh, our boss's assistant." The employee replied.

"Oh, he is my friend's boyfriend." Daisy replied.

"That's good. Now I feel good that I hired you." Mr Clinton remarked.

"I will take my leave now." The employee stated, bowing slightly as he saunterer away.

"No need to clean my desk; I will do it myself." He stated with a toothy smile as he attempted to take the duster from her.

"No-no, I will do it." She insisted, dragging it with him.

"I said I would do it." He stated through clenched teeth as she let go of the duster.

She dusted her dress and headed back to her seat. Mr Clinton finished cleaning his desk, he wanted to call Daisy to come and collect it from him when he pulled back and put it under his desk.

Daisy smiled widely. She was happy with the unusual treatment. She switched on the computer and started surfing the internet.......

Mr Josh quickly rushed into Raymond's office.

Raymond stared at him with those eyes that could kill. 

"Where did you go? That I was calling you and you refused to pick up my call." Raymond asked in a cold tone.

Mr Josh looked down, frightened.

"I-i... Raymond cut in.

"Don't lie to me." Raymond declared, with his eyes fixed on him.

"I went to the third branch." Mr Josh muttered. 

"What did you go there to do again without telling me!" Raymond ranted.