
Chapter 290: The mother

Sofia was singing as she walked down the stairs, heading to Mrs Kingston, who was talking on her phone.

"I will come tomorrow, it's late now." Mrs Kingston stated, looking at the wall clock.

"Come here." Sofia yelled, talking to a bodyguard who ran to her.

"I want you to go out and get me a hairdryer from the supermarket." She said that after handing him her credit card, he took it from her and scuttled away.

She strolled to her room and sat on the bed. She remembered she asked her spies to send her the picture of the mother of the child Raymond usually went to see. 

She opened her phone and stared at the picture. It was Daisy. She opened her eyes wide in surprise as she smashed the phone on the wall.

"No!! It can't be her!!" She yelled as she started scattering her bed, throwing her pillow on the floor.

"Daisy can't be the mother." She gasped.

"Or is Raymond lying to us that he has lost his memory?" She muttered to herself and grabbed her hair tightly.

"No, this is impossible!!" She yelled and ran to her phone on the floor. She looked at the screen and it had already been damaged. She tried to turn it on but it wasn't responding.

She opened her drawer and took out her diary. She rushed out of the room, running down the stairs to Mrs Kingston while opening the book.

"What's the matter, Sofia?" Mrs Kingston inquired.

"Give me your phone." Sofia declared, extending her hand to Mrs  Kingston.

"What do you need it for?" She inquired.

"Just give it to me." Sofia declared as Mrs Kingston put the phone in her hand. She looked through the book and saw her spy's number. She pressed the number into the phone and dialed it.

"Hello, it's me, Sofia." She stated bluntly.

"Good afternoon, Ma. How may I help you?" He inquired.

"Are you sure the person in the picture you sent me is the child's mother?" She asked flatly.

"Of course," he replied. Mrs Kingston's phone wanted to slip out of her hand as she gripped it tightly.

"Ma, are you there?" He inquired.

"Alright." She muttered as she cut the call and gave the phone back to Mrs Kingston lost in thought.

Mrs Kingston stood up from the couch and grasped her hand.

"What is troubling you? You know, you can tell me." Mrs Kingston beamed.

"Da..da Daisy, has a kid, not just that Raymond is very close to him." Sofia stated. Mrs Kingston chuckled.

"It's okay, you have nothing to worry about; the child is not Raymond's; Daisy is married." Mrs Kingston assured.

"She is married?" Sofia inquired.

"Of course she is," she replied.

"How do you know all this?" Sofia inquired.

"I met her a few days ago. You are supposed to know everything, aren't you the one with spies?" Mrs Kingston teased.

"Pheew, I am glad she is married, but I can't let Raymond keep going to see her child." Sofia muttered clenching her fists.