
Chapter 288: Illegal business 2

Just like I thought my job was illegal.

I started walking towards my desk when he stopped me.

"Wait, what is your name again?" He inquired.

"Daisy." I replied with a fake smile.

"Nice name. I am Clinton." He beamed. 

I walked to my desk and dropped my bag there.

"Come." He called out to me, sitting in his chair.

"I am here, sir." I announce, bowing slightly.

"I want you to go to the cafeteria to get me coffee and a hamburger." He declared.

"Okay, sir." I muttered.

"Wait, here is your food card." He stated, handing me a small white card. I took it from him. 

And started walking out of the office, so he wanted me to get those things for him with my card. 

I arrived at the main area of the company and asked an employee for the direction of the cafeteria.

"You are going to the cafeteria. Can you get me tea?" He stated.

"Yes, sure." I muttered as he handed me his food card and started directing me to the cafeteria.

"Is she going to the cafeteria?" A female employee inquired as she ran to us.

"Yes." I replied flatly.

"Please get soda for me and also Coca-Cola. I will pay you back." She beamed.

"Please buy a hamburger for me." Another employee stated while handing me his card.

"Gosh!" I muttered, putting my hand on my face.

What is wrong with these people? The cafeteria is over there?.

"What is wrong, miss?" Another employee inquired. 

"Let me guess, you also want to get something from the cafeteria?" I asked, rolling my eyes. 

"Yes, I just want dark coffee." He stated and handed me his card.  

I started walking to the cafeteria. Are all these people mad? Do I look like their errand girl?

When I strolled into the cafeteria, it was empty with no one inside. All the employees are too lazy to buy food themselves.

"What will you like, Miss?" The chef inquired.

I ordered the food, and I gave her all the cards to remove the money. I also ordered a cheeseburger for myself.

I walked to the main area and dropped all the food on a table. I don't even remember the faces of the people that sent me.

They all started taking their food one after the other until it was just my cheese burger and Mr Clinton's coffee. 

I was about to grab my food when everyone started composing themselves staring at the door. 

Mr. Josh walked into the company. What the fuck is he doing here? If he is here, that means Raymond is also here.

I carried the food and started trying to run when I heard Gwen's voice.

"Daisy." She called out to me.

What is she doing here? I turned to look at them, I saw only Mr Josh and Gwen. 

I walked over to them, looking behind them.

"Who are you looking for?" Gwen inquired. 

"You must be looking for Raymond, he is not here." Mr Josh shrugged.