
Chapter 287: Illegal business

Daisy's POV 

I pressed the elevator button and waited for the elevator to close as other employees walked in.

I rested my back on the elevator wall. I wish my new boss is not a pain in the butt. I am already late for work.

After waiting for a million years, the elevator finally opened, but the problem was my leg didn't want to move. I am scared I will be fired before I started. The door was about to close again as I grabbed it and strolled out of the elevator, looking around and sighted the first room.

I stood in front of the room and took a deep breath before walking into the office.

I saw a man wearing a fancy suit. He was shoving small white bags filled with white powder into a box.

Could that be...? He turned to look at me with his eyes wide open.

"What are you doing here? Can't you knock?" He ranted, glaring at me.

"I knocked, but you didn't answer." I protested, although I knew I was lying. Why did I forget to knock.

He walked closer to me with his eyes never leaving me. He stared at me from top to bottom, making me feel uncomfortable as I held tightly to the string of my bag. 

He looked up at me and put his face closer to mine. He was older than me, in his early 50's, and had a weird looking mustache.  

"Did you see what I put in that box?" He asked in a deep voice.

"I-I didn't see anything." I stuttered, avoiding his gaze.

"Let me tell you, you deserve to know because you are my assistant." He started walking to the box, and I followed him. He opened the box. There was a drone in the box and on the side, just like I guessed cocaine. I opened my mouth wide in surprise. What kind of illegal business is this, such a big company.

He took one of the bags and showed it to me.

"This is cocaine. Don't tell the other employees. They don't know. This is my little business. My way of getting extra income." He muttered. 

I gasped.

"Shh, you will help me put them in boxes in the future when I am not around." He whispered.

"How are you going to remove it from the box if they want to deliver it to the owner?" I inquired.

"This is just a cover. I am using the boxes to sneak cocaine out of the company. The supplies are the ones doing the real job of selling the cocaine." He stated in a rumbling tone. I am so scared I am going to get arrested if the police find out.

He put his hand on my shoulder.

"Don't worry, you won't get arrested." He assured like he was reading my mind.

Thank goodness he didn't ask me why I was late.

"Your office is over there," he declared, pointing at the other desk in the office.

"Your job is to look out for me in case any employee wants to open the box without my permission." He stated.