
Chapter 286: First day at work 2

Daisy quickly put on a purple blouse and a white mini skirt. She looked at the mirror and touched her face before looking at her empty table, which only had her body cream on it. 

It was supposed to have beauty products, make-up, and so on. 

She stared at her dry lips and applied lip balm to her lips before carrying her bag from the bed. She stared at the time. It was 6:54am. She had only 6 minutes to get to work.

She started running out of the house with great speed.

She stood in front of her house looking for a taxi. She saw a taxi on the other side of the road and decided to go to it.

She was about to cross when a car blocked her.

"What is your problem? Can't you see I was trying to cross?" She ranted, staring at the car when the window rolled down and she realized it was Richard.

She opened her mouth wide in surprise and ignored him, running to the taxi when he ran after her. 

She was about to enter the taxi when he grasped her hand. 

"Hello Daisy, it's been a long time since I've seen you." He stated.

"Let me go. I am late for work." She muttered through clenched teeth.

"Get in, Miss, you are wasting my time." The driver complained.

"I am coming." Daisy replied, swaying her hand in Richard's grip.

"I just know your mom was lying when she told me that you no longer live here." He stated.

Daisy was furious as she stared at her wrist watch. It was 6:58am. She was running late for her new job. What would they think of her? Richard started talking, but she toned him off as she struggled to put her left hand in her bag and brought out her pepper spray as she saw that the driver wanted to go.

Richard was busy talking as she sprayed it in his eyes.

"Arrgh my eyes." He groaned, holding his eyes as she hopped into the taxi.

"Sorry, but I am late for work." She muttered as the taxi took off.

Minutes later.

The taxi stopped in front of the company. Daisy paid the driver and ran out of the taxi, breathing continuously. She started running into the company with the other employees.

She looked around the company and walked over to a female employee.

"Good morning." Daisy greeted.

"Morning, how may I help you?" She inquired.

"I am looking for Mr Clinton." Daisy beamed with a toothy smile. The employee's expression changed as she leaned closer to Daisy.

"Are you his new PA?" she inquired.

Daisy nodded because she knew she applied for the job as a PA.

"You are dead meat. He came before you." She stated in a shaky voice.

"What-what is he going to do to me?" Daisy asked, frightened. 

"I don't know, his office is over there on the 2nd floor, the first room." She navigated.

"Thank you." Daisy muttered with a sad face as she entered the elevator and pressed the 2nd floor.