
Chapter 285: First day at work

The next day.

Daisy's alarm clock started buzzing. She grabbed it and put it under her pillow, reducing the sound before drifting to sleep. She opened her eyes immediately and stared at the time.

It was 6:30 am. She moved her hand on the bed, looking for Ryan, but it was empty.

She yawned, using her hand to close her mouth as she removed the duvet from her body and got down from the bed.

She strolled to her mom's room and started knocking on the door.

"Come in." Mrs Louis stated from inside.

Daisy entered the room and saw Ryan sleeping peacefully on the bed next to Mrs Louis.

"Where is Gwen?" Daisy inquired.

"She is sleeping on the couch." Mrs Louis replied.

Daisy scratched her head, smiling nervously.

"Sorry for disturbing the both of you." She apologized.

"What is wrong with you, Daisy? You made your son cry on the night of his birthday." Mrs Louis stated, glaring at her.

"I didn't mean to. It was because of the gift Raymond gave to him, I couldn't accept it." Daisy stated.

"What is wrong with the gift?" 

"It is an Apple laptop. It's too expensive for a gift. I can't let Ryan have it." Daisy muttered.

"Why are you talking like this? Is it because you are afraid he will start demanding expensive things from you." She stated.

"That's not.." Mrs Louis cut in.

"Let it go. It's a birthday gift from his hero." Mrs Louis muttered.

"Anyway, mom, can you dress him up for school, because I just started my new job today?" Daisy beamed.

"That's great news. Anyway, best of luck." Mrs Louis beamed. 

"Thank you, Mom. Apologize to Ryan on my behalf." Daisy muttered as she made her way out of the room. She spotted Gwen on the couch and sighed before heading to the bathroom.

At the Kingston mansion.

Raymond strolled out of his bathroom and saw Sofia sitting on his bed beside the clothes she selected for him.

"Good morning, my husband." She beamed.

"Why are you here? Shouldn't you be getting some rest?" He asked.

She stroked her hair back shyly.

"I should, but I am the one that normally picks clothes for you. I can't neglect my duties just because I am sick." She mumbled.

"Thank you for your generosity. Now leave my room." He declared.

"Alright." She muttered, looking at him with puppy dog eyes, and stood up from the bed, walking slowly towards the door.

"What do you want?" Raymond inquired. He knew when Sofia needed something, she always acted that way.

She turned to look at him.

"Can we go on a date later in the evening." She muttered, avoiding his gaze.

"Go, you know, I don't have time for that," he scoffed, walking over to the mirror.

Sofia wanted to talk and paused. She knew it was useless to argue with Raymond because his decisions were always final. She sighed and strolled out of the room.

Raymond styled his hair with a brush and grabbed his navy blue suit from the bed.