
Chapter 284: Return the gift

Daisy was arranging her bed, while Ryan was opening his birthday gifts on the floor.

"Why haven't you open your gifts yet?" Daisy inquired.

"I wanted my friends to leave first." Ryan muttered as he scattered through the gifts, looking for the one that had Raymond's name on it.

He sighted something huge in the middle of his gifts, but there was nothing written on it. He tried to carry it, but it was too heavy.

"Mommy, pass me the scissors." He stated, extending his hand to her. 

"What do you need it for? Tell me. I will open it for you." She muttered.

"I want to use it to open my hero's gifts. It is hard to open." Ryan muttered Daisy opened the drawer close to the bed and took out a pink pair of scissors, then walked over to Ryan. She squatted to his level with her knees on the floor and started cutting through Raymond's gift. 

She started removing the wraps and realized it was a laptop, not just any laptop, but an Apple laptop.

"Yaay! I have a laptop." Ryan squealed, trying to touch the laptop when Daisy hit his hand away.

"You can't accept this. It is too expensive. Go give it back to your hero." Daisy stated.

"Why, mommy?" Ryan muttered with pouted lips.

"It is too expensive. I will drop it on top of the drawer. Make sure you look for a way to give it back to him. You shouldn't accept such expensive gifts." Daisy stated.

Ryan burst into tears. 

"But mommy, it's my birthday gift." He muttered with tears falling down his pale cheeks.

"I know it is, but you can't have such expensive things. The day you don't receive such gifts, you will be angry." She replied. Daisy didn't want Ryan to accept the gift because she also couldn't afford a gift for him, and when he starts receiving expensive gifts, he will want everyone to give it to him.

"Mommy please." He pleaded.

"No, you are going to return it. That's final." She stated turning her back on him.

"I hate you!" He yelled as he ran out of the room, crying.

Daisy sighed and looked at the laptop before falling onto the bed.

"Raymond, what were you thinking of gifting a kid such an expensive gift?" She muttered to herself when her phone started ringing. It was a call from an unknown number.

"Hello." She muttered.

"Are you Miss Daisy Louis?" The caller inquired.

"Yes, how may I help you?" She inquired.

"I am calling from the King Company. I want to tell you that you have passed the interview. You can resume work tomorrow." The caller beamed.

Daisy was overwhelmed with joy.

"Thank you so much." She beamed, smiling widely. 

"The time is 7:00 am. Don't be late. If you come, ask for Mr Clinton." He declared.

"Okay, thank you." Daisy muttered as he hung up.

"I got the job, Ryan. I got the..." She paused as she remembered that Ryan was not in the room with her.