
Chapter 282: Birthday party 2

Ryan blew out the candles and closed his eyes with his two hands crossed.

"What did you wish for?" Raymond inquired as his phone started ringing.

"Excuse me." He muttered as he walked towards the door to answer the call.

It was a call from Mrs Kingston.

"Hello, Mom," he grumbled.

"Where are you? I thought you had a date with Sofia today." Mrs Kingston stated. 

"Who said that?" Raymond inquired..

"Sofia said, she is in a lot of pain. Right now, she needs you by her side." She stated.

"Why is she in a lot of pain?" Raymond inquired.

"Come to find out." She stated as she hung up.

"My hero, come and light the firecrackers with me." Ryan beamed.

"I am sorry, I have to go. Maybe another time." Raymond beamed, stroking his hair.

"I understand you have to go. When will I see you again?" Ryan inquired.

"I will come and see you in the restaurant on Tuesday around 3:00pm." Raymond assured.

"The restaurant is closed, but I will go there to wait for you."  Ryan beamed with a toothy smile as the spies took a picture of the two of them. 

"Mr Josh, let's go." Raymond stated, looking at Mr Josh, who was standing next to Daisy. He seemed to be whispering things to her, but she was giving him the cold shoulder. 

Mr Josh ran over to Raymond.

"Why are you in such a hurry?" Mr Josh inquired.

"My mom says Sofia is in pain and that I need to stand by her because she is my wife. I want to avoid being tagged as the worst husband, so I have to go to her." Raymond stated as he walked over to Daisy and her mom.

"I have to go now. It was nice meeting all of you." He beamed.

"Alright, take care, Mr..." Mrs Louis paused.

"Raymond." He beamed.

"Bye bye, Mr Raymond." Mrs Louis beamed.

Raymond turned to Daisy.

"I hope to see you again soon. I want to ask you to go easy on Ryan." Raymond stated. Daisy rolled her eyes as Raymond walked out of the house with Mr Josh.

"Who does he think he is to lecture me about my son?" Daisy grumbled.

They all go outside the house to light firecrackers with Ryan.

At the Kingston's house, 

"Mom, is he coming?" Sofia inquired, putting her hand on her stomach.

"I think he will. What exactly is making your stomach hurt?" Mrs Kingston inquired. 

"It's just menstrual cramps, but I need him here." Sofia muttered.

"I will ask a maid to go and get medicine for you." Mrs Kingston beamed as she walked away.

Sofia smiled as she received a picture on her phone. She stared at Ryan and zoomed in on the picture.

"He kind of looks like Raymond." She muttered as she called her spies.

"I need the mother's picture." She demanded as soon as they picked up her call.

"We will send that right away." They replied.

When Raymond walked into the house, she began staring at her phone and quickly dropped it on the couch, pretending to be in pain.