
Chapter 281: Birthday party

"I want you to help him regain his memory. You are acting as if you don't love him anymore." Mr Josh. Daisy chuckled. 

"Who says I love him in the first place?" She asked, looking away. 

"So you don't love him, and you got married to him. You are still his legal wife." Mr Josh stated.

"I was his wife, but not anymore. For your information, I am married." Daisy snarled. Mr Josh's jaw dropped. This was the thing he didn't want.

"Okay, since you are married, can you still help him regain his memory?" Mr Josh inquired.

"I am not interested." She scoffed, arranging the candles on the cake. 

"Please, Richard is ready to pay you any amount." Daisy dropped the last candle on the table in a rage and turned to him.

"What do you take me for? A beggar who is desperately looking for money? Did you know how money ruined my life in the first place?" She ranted, glaring at him.

He wanted to talk but was lost for words.

"Money is the reason my life is like this. Money is the reason I became a laughingstock among my mates. Money is the reason I get things I never asked for." She ranted, fighting the tears in her eyes.

"What is the thing you never asked for? Tell me, so I can think of a way to help you." He muttered.

"No one can help me, the damage is already done." She stated, poking his chest as everyone gathered around the table.

"What are the two of you talking about?" Raymond asked authoritatively.

Mr Josh smiled nervously.

"I was just asking her for advice." He muttered.

"Okay." Raymond replied as Daisy arranged the last candle on the cake and lit all the candles on the cake.

Ryan was smiling brightly, exposing his beautiful set of teeth as he stood in front of the cake.

Daisy put his hand on the knife as he stared at them.

"Happy birthday to you."

"Happy birthday to you!" "Happy birthday!" "Happy birthday!" "Happy birthday to you!" They all sang, staring at Ryan.

"Thank you everyone for coming. I really appreciate it. Without the best mom in the world, this wouldn't have been possible. And also my hero." Ryan beamed as he hugged Daisy.

"You are welcome." Daisy and Raymond chorused. 

"We spell Jesus. You cut the cake. Is that okay?" Mrs Louis beamed. 

"Yes!!" Ryan squealed, clapping his hand. 


"Wait everyone, I want my hero and my mommy to cut the cake with me." Ryan stated.

"Don't be silly, it's your birthday." Daisy replied.

"I want you guys to cut with me, please." He muttered with pleading eyes.

"Fine." Daisy muttered as she put her hand on top of Ryan's.

Raymond turned around the table to them as Mrs Louis made way for him.

He put his hand on Daisy's, who was feeling awkward.

"J..E..S...U..S." they all screamed as Ryan cut the cake with Daisy and Raymond.

Everyone started applauding..

"Make a wish." Daisy muttered as her shoulder touched Raymond's. She felt the rush of electricity as she moved away from him.