
Chapter 279: The encounter 2

Raymond smiled widely as he helped Ryan off the ground.

Other kids ran up to Ryan, staring at the cake, while one of them stroked Ryan's back.

"It is okay, we don't need a cake anyway." The kid beamed.

"Don't worry, my hero, have already ordered a cake," Ryan assured. 

Raymond looked around and spotted the gift he bought on the floor next to the door.

He quickly rushed to it and carried it off the ground. He located a group of gifts and went to drop it off there.

Ryan stared at Daisy.

"Ash, silly me." He muttered as he walked over to Daisy and held her hand, leading her to Raymond. She followed him, still lost in thought, as they both stood in front of Raymond.

"My hero, meet my mommy." Ryan beamed.

Raymond bowed slightly.

"Nice to meet you, Miss. I must say, you have an intelligent son." Raymond praised, extending his hand to Daisy, who didn't take it.

"Mommy, what are you doing?" Ryan inquired as he hit Daisy lightly.

Daisy slowly raised her hand and grabbed it, shaking Raymond. The tingling sensation she always felt holding his hand was still there, but she felt like she was shaking a stranger because Raymond was pretending not to know her. 

Gwen and Mrs Louis walked into the house carrying beverages and snacks.

Gwen dropped hers on the table as Raymond walked over to her.

"What a coincidence! What are you doing here?" Gwen inquired.

"I came to attend the birthday party, Ryan invited me." Raymond replied.

"Daisy, I must say, your kid is a big shot. He even knows someone like this." Gwen beamed.

Mrs Louis narrowed her eyes at Raymond and attempted to walk towards him. She clenched her teeth. It was obvious that she wanted to attack him.

Daisy grabbed her hand and pulled her back.

"Let me go. I want to give him a piece of my mind. Why will he show up now, after many years?" She grumbled, struggling with Daisy. Raymond and Gwen were just staring at them, wondering what they were talking about.

"Guys don't fight, you will ruin my party." Ryan muttered with pouted lips as Mrs Louis stubbornly pulled her hand from Daisy's grip. 

"I still want to talk to him. How dare he step a foot into this house?" Mrs Louis mumbled, glaring at Raymond.

"Mom, calm down. Ryan invited him. I think there is something off about him. He is treating me like a stranger." Daisy muttered.

"So that crap his brother was telling me the other day was true." Mrs Louis muttered. 

"His brother, you mean Richard? Where did you see him?" Daisy inquired, raising a brow. 

Mrs Louis smiled nervously.

"It's a long story." Mrs Louis responded as the children began to run around Raymond, who was playing with them.

"So you know something like this, and you don't feel the need to tell me?" Daisy asked, raising her voice.

"What is the use if you already know? Or are you going to help him regain his memory so he can remember you?" Mrs Louis remarked.