
Chapter 278: The encounter

Mr Josh parked the car in front of Raymond and stepped out as he opened the door for him.

Raymond gave him a cold glare before entering the car.

Mr Josh sighed as he entered the car with Raymond and looked at Raymond in the front mirror.

"I am sorry for being...Mr Josh couldn't complete his sentence when Raymond handed him a birthday card.

Mr Josh took it from him and stared at it. 

"What is the meaning of this?" Mr Josh asked bluntly.

"Take me to that address." Raymond declared.

Mr Josh sighted the address and opened his eyes wide in surprise as he realized it was Daisy's address.

"Where, where did you get this?" He stuttered.

"Can't you see that's a birthday card? Common sense." Raymond snarled. 

Mr Josh paused as he ignited the engine. This explains why Raymond bought a gift.

Maybe it was just a coincidence, or maybe the person lived next door to Daisy, he thought as he drove off.

Minutes later 

He stopped the car in front of Daisy's house as he saw parents dropping their kids off at Daisy's doorstep.

Without wasting much time, Raymond stepped out of the car, staring at the surroundings. This was not the kind of place he would come. 

Mr Josh ran out of the car carrying the gift as Raymond started walking towards the entrance.

They arrived at the doorstep, Raymond smiled widely as he sighted Ryan playing with other kids.

As he stepped one foot into the house,

Daisy started coming from the kitchen carrying Ryan's birthday cake when she sighted Raymond, her heart started beating rapidly as she halted staring at him.

Raymond adjusted his tie as he noticed Daisy was staring at him.

Daisy was stunned. She didn't know what to do. She attempted to go and drop Ryan's birthday cake on the table and maybe flee.

She started walking towards the table when she stumbled on a balloon on the floor and wanted to fall when Raymond caught her in his arms.

Her heart skipped a beat as he held her tightly across her waist. She missed his touch. When the cake fell to the floor, she was lost staring at his eyes.

"Mommy, my cake!!" Ryan yelled as he ran to the cake on the floor, bringing Daisy back from her trance as Raymond let go of her. He felt a connection with her.

"Miss, are you okay?" He asked bluntly.

"Miss, are you kidding me?" She asked bluntly.

"Sorry, do I know you?" He asked, raising a brow. She stepped back slowly as she gripped tightly to her dress.

Mr Josh wanted to go to Daisy, who was standing like a statue lost in thought when Raymond stopped him.

"Go and get a new cake for him." Raymond declared.

"Okay, sir." Mr Josh stated as he bowed slightly and walked away.

Raymond squatted down to Ryan's level, with Daisy's eyes never leaving him.

"Let it go, I will get a new cake for you." Raymond beamed.

"Thank you, my hero what would I have done without you?" Ryan beamed as he kissed Raymond on the cheek.