
Chapter 271: Strange Aunt

Ryan ran to Daisy and sat beside her on the bed, looking into her eyes.

"Mommy, when are we going to decorate the house?" he inquired.

"Why are you telling me good luck? Is your mom that bad?" Gwen inquired.

Ryan looked up at Gwen.

"Mommy, who is this aunt?" he asked bluntly.

"She is my friend," Daisy replied.

"It is late, I think you should get going." He remarked, looking at the wall clock. Gwen's eyes widened.

"Are you chasing me away?" she asked

"I am not chasing you, I am just asking you to go to your house." Ryan muttered.

"Awwn, he is so cute." Gwen muttered as she walked closer to Ryan and stroked his cheek firmly. He hit her hand away. 

"Don’t touch him, he doesn’t like it." Daisy remarked.

"Mommy, I am going to sleep in Grandma’s room." Ryan beamed as he attempted to leave.

Gwen gives Daisy the signal to stop him.

"Come here, my boy, don’t go to grandma’s room." Daisy stated. Ryan turned to look at Daisy.

"Why can’t I?" he inquired.

"My friend here is going to be leaving with grandma from now on." Daisy declared.

"Why!!" Ryan asked with his mouth hanging loosely.

"She doesn’t have a place to go," Daisy replied.

"Mommy, we were told at school never to let a stranger into our house, they might steal something." He muttered.

"Oh!" he put his hand on his head.

"My fire crackers!" he yelled as he ran out of the room.

"So cute," Gwen muttered.

"He is cute, but he's a pain in the buttocks Ignore him and go see what my mother says." Daisy declared, getting up from the bed.

"Okay." Gwen mumbled as she sauntered out of the room.

Daisy fell onto the bed.

"Ha! What a day!" she muttered, staring at the ceiling.

"I can’t believe I saw Chris today, he hasn’t changed at all. He is still the old womanizer." She muttered to herself as she sat up on the bed and walked to the wardrobe. She opened the wardrobe and looked at her clothes.

"I remember when my wardrobe was filled with designer clothes, that reminded me of Raymond, why am I even thinking about him? He doesn’t even care about me." She stated under her breath as she grabbed a white towel and strolled into the bathroom. 

In the living room.

Ryan was struggling to carry one of the shopping bags through clenched teeth.

"Grandma, come and help me. It’s so heavy." He pleaded, staring at Mrs Louis, who was glued to the TV.

Gwen ran to him, trying to take the shopping bag from him.

"I will help you." She offered.

"No, I don’t need your help. I am a man." He muttered, flexing his muscles as he struggled to lift the bag once more.

Gwen walked over to Mrs Louis and stared at her.

"Don’t touch my fire crackers!!" Ryan exclaimed, pointing at Gwen as he walked away.

"What are you watching?" Gwen inquired, but Mrs Louis didn’t respond.