
Chapter 270: Are you married?

"I am not married." Gwen replied bluntly.

"I thought you got married a long time ago." Mrs Louis remarked.

"No, he broke up with me at the last moment, is there anything to eat?" Gwen inquired, looking around the house when she spotted a ball.

"Who has that ball?" she asked, pointing at the ball.

"My grandson." Mrs Louis replied.

"You have a…." Gwen couldn’t complete her sentence when the door flew open as Ryan ran into the house.

He ran to Mrs Louis and hugged her. He gave her a light kiss on the cheek.

"Grandma, we just came back from shopping my mommy bought a lot of things." He muttered.

Gwen was stunned, looking at Ryan. She was battling her lashes. As Daisy approached her.

"Hello Gwen, it's been a long time since we've seen each other."Daisy beamed.

"Is-is he your son?" Gwen stuttered.

"Yes, he is." Daisy beamed as she dropped the shopping bags next to the couch.

Gwen got up from the couch and grabbed Daisy’s hand, leading her to her room.

"Mommy, where are you going?" Ryan inquired.

"Let them be." Mrs Louis stated.

"Who is that strange woman?" Ryan asked.

"She is your mom’s best friend." Mrs Louis replied.

Gwen dragged Daisy into her room and slammed the door.

"Are you married?" Gwen inquired.

"No." Daisy replied flatly.

"Then how do you have a son?" Gwen inquired.

"It’s a long story." Daisy muttered.

"Don’t tell me it’s Chris’s." Gwen stated, glaring at her.

"He is not Chris's son." Daisy scoffed.

"Then who?" Gwen questioned as Daisy sat on the bed.

"He is a billionaire’s son, i got entangled with a billionaire years ago, that is how I got Ryan." Daisy muttered.

"So where is the billionaire now?" Gwen inquired.

"Forget about him, I don’t want to remember him, he is a devil in disguise." Daisy mumbled.

"So how did the blind date go?" Daisy inquired, changing the topic.

Gwen sighed as she shook her hair.

"Who arranged the blind date for you?" Gwen asked.

"My mom, why do you ask?" Daisy inquired, her brow furrowed.

"I can’t believe your mom will arrange a blind date for you with an old man." Gwen groaned.

"How old is he?" Daisy asked bluntly.

"Can you believe he is 60 years old? He is fat and has fat all over his neck." Gwen described touching her neck. Daisy screwed up her face.

"Eww, I can’t even imagine what he looks like." Daisy muttered.

"Can I crash with you for a while, till I find another apartment?" Gwen inquired.

"I don’t think that is possible, we have only two rooms in this house, and I live with my son, you can ask my mom if she is ready to live with you." Daisy suggested.

"I will ask her, I don’t mind sleeping on the couch." Gwen muttered.

"My mom tends to sleep on the couch sometimes when she is up watching TV." Daisy remarked.

"I will ask her, I want to go back to my old company tomorrow to see if I can find a job there." Gwen muttered.

"Good luck." Daisy muttered as Ryan ran into the room.