
Chapter 272: Moody Raymond

Gwen stared at the TV and then at Mrs Louis and sighted the remote on the table. She pretended to fall on the remote and switched off the TV.

"What is your problem!!" Mrs Louis yelled, glaring at her.

"I am sorry, I just wanted to talk to you." Gwen muttered, looking down.

"About what?" Mrs Louis inquired as she grabbed the remote and switched on the TV.

"I want to live with you till I get a new apartment." Gwen stated bluntly.

"That’s all?" Mrs Louis inquired, and she nodded.

"That’s good to hear, you will have to pay me a house rent." Mrs Louis replied. Gwen swallowed saliva.

She wanted to talk when Mrs Louis turned to look at her and gave her a cold glare.

"I will pay." She muttered, frightened.

"Very well." Mrs Louis replied


At the Kingston mansion.

All the family were eating at the dining table, including Raymond, who was finding it difficult to eat. Richard stared at him and stroked his back.

"What’s up, bro?" he inquired.

"I don’t know, I just keep seeing this strange woman in my head and it’s killing me." Raymond lamented.

Sofia’s eyes widened.

"Don’t overthink it too much, it must be your imagination." Sofia added.  Richard glared at her.

"Eat your food no one asked for your opinion." Richard snarled.

"Rich, eat your food and stop talking to your sister-in-law in that manner." Mr Kingston declared. As Richard sat back down, still staring at Raymond, who was finding it difficult to cut through the chicken.

"Maybe the king can’t eat because he is used to eating vegetables for dinner." Richard stated.

"That’s why I asked the maid to make vegetables for him, but he said he couldn’t wait." Sofia added.

Raymond dropped his spoon on the table.

"I have lost my appetite," he declared and started walking away.

Mr Josh watched him going as he bit through the chicken that was in his hand.

All the family turned to look at Mr Josh.

"What?" he asked, chewing the chicken in his mouth awkwardly.

"Do we have to tell you before you go and check up on your boss?" Mrs Kingston asked rudely.

"I am going." Mr Josh declared as he got up from his chair and packed the two chickens that were on his plate and scuttled away.

Richard rushed his food and ran after Mr Josh.

Mr Josh entered Raymond’s room and saw him sleeping face-down on the bed.

"What is wrong, sir?" Mr Josh asked softly.

"Nothing, I just want to be alone." Raymond declared.

"Okay, if that’s what you want." Mr Josh said with a smile as he started eating the chicken in his hand while walking out of the room. He bumped into Richard, who also wanted to enter the room and block him.

"Get out of my way I want to see my brother." Richard protested.

"He doesn’t want to see anyone at the moment." Mr Josh stated, with his head held high.