
Chapter 269: Try to remember

"Just try to remember for me please?" Richard inquired this was all part of his plan to get Raymond to remember Daisy, maybe when he asked her to pretend to be his wife.

Raymond sighed and closed his eyes, trying to remember when he proposed to Sofia, but he couldn't remember anything; all he could see was a lady he was kissing but couldn't see her face.

"Arrgh!!" Raymond groaned in pain, holding his head as blood started rushing out of his nose.

"Bro, are you okay?" Richard was petrified as he drew out a wiper and put it on Raymond’s nose.

Raymond grabbed the wiper from him and poked it into his nose, staring at Richard.. his eyes were extremely red, like he was suffering.

"You don’t need to remember again, I will just ask online." Richard stated as Raymond fell onto his chair, using his thumb to rub his forehead.

This was the last thing Richard wanted. He hated to see his brother in pain. Maybe he had gone out of line by trying to get him to remember Daisy.

He rushed out of the office and saw Mr Josh and his assistant standing at the side. He rushed to Mr Josh.

"Go and take care of your boss, he is in pain." Richard stated. Mr Josh's eyes widened as he quickly rushed into the office and saw Raymond on the chair struggling to breathe.

He rushed over to him and opened his drawer. He took out a bottle of water and opened it. He handed it to Raymond. He grabbed it and started drinking it.

Mr Josh started scattering his drawer looking for Raymond’s medicine when Raymond finally spoke.

"I have drank all the medication," Raymond stated. 

"I will go get more." Mr Josh assured.

"Do that later in the main time help me, I want to go home." Raymond stated as he got up from the chair.

Mr Josh was getting worried as Raymond put his hand around his shoulder. He was wondering what Richard had done to him.


Gwen arrived in front of Daisy’s house and started ringing the doorbell.

"Who could be ringing the doorbell like that, I pray it’s not that billionaire’s brother." She frowned as she walked to the door and opened it when she saw Gwen.

"What with the face? Were you expecting someone else?" Gwen inquired.

"No, come in." Mrs Louis muttered as she started walking into the house.

"Daisy isn’t back yet." Mrs Louis added.

"I know I will wait for her." Gwen muttered as she settled down on the couch and grabbed the TV remote.

Mrs Louis snatched the remote from her immediately and sat beside her.

"My show is about to start." Mr Louis muttered.

"I am a guest, you are supposed to be treating me well." Gwen whined.

"You are Daisy’s guest, not mine." Mrs Louis snarled.

"You were acting nice over the phone, like you missed me." Gwen muttered.

"I did miss you, so how is your husband?" Mrs Louis inquired.