
Chapter 268: Advice

"That’s very thoughtful of you, dear." Mrs Kingston praised, taking a sip of her coffee as Sofia pushed the envelope into the couch.

Raymond was in his office signing some documents when Mr Josh barged in.

"Don’t you know how to knock?" Raymond asked in a cold tone.

"Sorry, sir," Mr. Josh apologized, his brows drawn together and lowered. Raymond noticed he was sad and signed the document in front of him before pushing the rest aside.

"How did your blind date go?" Raymond asked bluntly.

"It didn’t go well, the lady didn’t like me." He muttered.

"Why didn’t she?" Raymond inquired.

"Because she was actually the woman I hit with your car the other day." Mr Josh stated. Raymond’s jaw dropped.

"Are you for real?" Raymond inquired.

"Yes, I was surprised at first, but now I know it’s destiny." Mr Josh stated shyly.

"Hmm, how did you know that?" Raymond asked.

"I just have a feeling, it’s not a coincidence that she was my blind date." He muttered.

"It seems you have started to like her." Raymond remarked.

"She is so beautiful who wouldn’t like her?" Mr Josh inquired.

"She is not that beautiful and I don’t like her." Raymond remarked.

"You don’t like anyone." Mr Josh muttered as Richard walked into the office with his assistant.

"What are you doing here? Why didn’t you tell me you were coming?" Raymond asked with a cold tone. 

"If I told you, you wouldn’t have allowed me to come here." Richard stated.

"So what brings you here? Speak I am in the middle of something." Raymond stated coldly as he picked up his pen from his desk and started signing the documents.

"I want to ask for your advice." Richard muttered.

"My advice? Why do you need my advice when you can easily ask mom or dad?" Raymond remarked with a cold glare.

"They won’t understand." Richard stated, looking at his assistant who started walking out of the office.

Richard turned to look at Mr Josh.

"Please leave us alone." Richard stated. Mr Josh bowed slightly and scuttled away.

"What do you want to say that you feel the need to chase my assistant away?" Raymond asked in a harsh tone as he stood up from his chair, staring into Richard’s eyes.

Richard smiled nervously, scratching his head.

"I want you to teach me how to propose to a woman!" he exclaimed.

"Propose? So you are thinking of getting married." Raymond commented.

"Yes, and I don’t know how to propose, which is why I need your help." Richard stated.

"What makes you think I can help you? Didn’t you say I was an unromantic bastard?" Raymond asked flatly.

Richard's face flushed.

"How did you know that?" Richard asked, stunned.

"I just happen to know." Raymond replied with a cold glare.

"I am sorry, but I really need your help." Richard pleaded.

"I don’t remember ever proposing to Sofia or even getting married to her. How do you think I can help you?" Raymond inquired.