
Chapter 267: He like Kid's

Daisy made sure Chris was out of sight before she let go of Ryan, who looked up at her.

She was breathing continuously with her hand on her chest.

"Mommy, why were we hiding just now?" he inquired, looking into her eyes.

"It’s nothing," she muttered as she put the firecracker in the cart.

"We can’t just hide like that if nothing is wrong." Ryan stated.

"Mind your business, young man." She said this in a harsh tone, making him frown as she took his hand in hers and began leading him to another section.


At the Kingston’s mansion.

Sofia was filing her fingers on the couch when the door flew open.

She turned to look at the door and saw two men wearing black overalls walking towards her.

She got up from the couch immediately and smiled widely at them. They were her spies. They bowed slightly as they walked closer to her.

"No need to stand up, Miss, you can have a seat." They offered.

"Thank you." She muttered and sat on the couch. She crossed her legs and rested her arms on the couch.

"So what brought you here?" she asked.

"Recently, your husband has started going to restaurants to see a little boy." One of them stated, handing her an envelope.  She took it from him and opened the envelope. She took out the pictures in the envelope and started staring at them.

It was pictures of Raymond entering the restaurant and standing with a little boy who she couldn’t get a glimpse of as he was backing Raymond. He seemed to be running away when they got a picture of him.

"So he is going out to see someone’s son, and he doesn’t want us to have a child of our own." She muttered.

"He just met the boy a few days back, and the child seems to be jovial because he makes the king smile." One of them commented.

"Smile, so he knows how to smile, I want you guys to find out about this child, where he came from, his parents, everything." She declared.

"We will do that, but what we have observed is that, he always calls the owner of the restaurant his grandpa." One of them added.

"That means he is always there, I want you guys to follow Raymond around and inform me whenever he goes to see the boy again." She declared.

"We will Miss." They assured.

"You guys are doing a great job, I will double your pay." She beamed.

"Thank you, ma, we will take our leave now."

"Okay." She muttered, still staring at the pictures as they sauntered away.

"So he likes kids, but doesn’t want to have kids." She remarked, twisting her lip.

Mrs Kingston started walking towards her, holding a cup of coffee. Sofia quickly shoved the pictures back into her envelope and smiled nervously at her.

Mrs Kingston stared at her in a suspicious way before sitting beside her.

"What are you up to? If you haven’t gone out for a photo-shoot recently." Mrs Kingston muttered.

"I reject them these days, I want to focus on my husband." She beamed.