
Chapter 264: Blind date

"Who are you to ask me personal questions? Just mind your business and wait for your blind date." She snarled.

"Okay I will, but if you get bored waiting by yourself, you can join me at my table." He beamed.

"You wish." She muttered, lifting her upper lip in disgust as she grabbed her handkerchief from the floor and settled down on her chair. 

Minutes later.

Mr Josh had started to get impatient as he stared at the food on the table, which had gotten cold.

Gwen dialed Daisy's number, but she wasn't picking up her call, so she dialed Mrs Louis' number.

"Hello." She muttered.

"Hello Gwen, long time, are you back in town?" Mrs Louis inquired.

"Yes I am I wanted to ask you if you knew anything about Daisy's blind date." She muttered.

"How did you know she was having a blind date?" Mrs Louis questioned.

"Oops, wrong number." Gwen stated and hung up, breathing heavily as she stole a glance at Mr Josh and their eyes met.

"So your blind date isn't here either do you perhaps know her name?" Gwen inquired, smiling nervously at him.

"Wait, let me check." Mr Josh stated as he brought out his phone and stared at the screen, then looked up at Gwen. The name was really familiar and it reminded him of Daisy.

"Daisy," he stated bluntly. Gwen's jaw dropped as she battled her lashes.

"Are you lying?" She asked, narrowing her eyes at him.

"Why would I lie?" He asked confidently.

Gwen groaned as she grabbed her bag from the table and walked over to him. She dragged out the chair in front of him and sat down.

He clasped his hand, weirdly staring at her.

"What are you doing here?" He was confused. She gulped and shyly stroked her hair backwards.

"I am Daisy, your blind date." She muttered, avoiding his gaze.

"Wow, so we were just wasting our time." He remarked.

"Why didn't you ask for your blind date picture?" She asked flatly.

"They sent it to me, but I mistakenly deleted it without looking at it." He muttered, looking at her lustfully.

"I can't believe this is happening, just say what you have to say. I have to go." She stated rudely.

"So where did you come from?" He inquired.

"Florida." She muttered bluntly.

"How old are you?" He inquired.

She started biting her finger, thinking how old Daisy would be now.

"30." She muttered.

"Nice, I am 40, I would like to get to know you better. How about after this blind date, I start taking you out so we get to know each other very well before thinking about marriage." He muttered.

Gwen was just glaring at him. She sighed.

"Nope," she replied dryly. He moved his hand towards hers on the table.

"I know we are not that best of friends but I think we are a match make from heaven just trust me and give me a chance." He begged, staring into her eyes.

"Hmm, i have to go." She muttered, grabbing her bag.

"Don't go; we haven't talked about our children yet." He protested.