
Chapter 263: Happy boy

"Yaay! My hero is going to attend my birthday party." Ryan squealed, jumping.

Mr Yan smiled as he looked at them and sauntered over to them.

"Nice to see you again, sir." He beamed, staring at Raymond.

"And you too, I am afraid I have to go now." Raymond muttered.

"My hero, don't forget to bring a gift for me." Ryan beamed.

"Definitely, I can't come empty handed." Raymond beamed, stroking his hair before turning to leave.

"Let me see you off." Ryan stated as he grasped Raymond's hand and started leading him out of the restaurant.

Mr Yan shook his head as he watched them go.

"They kind of look alike." He muttered to himself, stroking his chin.

Raymond opened the door of his car and entered as Ryan stood in front of his car waving at him.

"Go inside." Raymond declared.

"I will." He replied.

"Go now." Raymond declared as he drove off.......

Mr Josh dusted his suit with his handkerchief as he strolled into an expensive restaurant.

The restaurant was beautiful and spacious, with tables well organized and customers eating elegantly.

He admired the beautiful decor and the musician stationed at the side of the restaurant.

He sighted an empty table for two and walked over to sit there when a waiter quickly ran to him.

"Welcome to our restaurant, sir, we offer the best foods and also sea foods." He beamed.

"Give me the menu." Mr Josh declared as the waiter handed it over to him, smiling profusely. 

Mr Josh scanned the menu with his eyes.

"I will take the couple's special." He beamed.

"Excellent choice." The waiter commented as he ambled away.

Mr Josh relaxed on the chair. Staring at the time on his wrist watch, his blind date was running late. It was his first time going on a blind date since he stopped sleeping with whores.

He was staring at the door when Gwen entered the restaurant.

The wind was blowing through her hair as she brushed it and hung it in her ear. She was shining so brightly that he couldn't help but drool over her. She looked around the restaurant and sat down at the empty table next to Mr Josh. 

His eyes didn't leave her.

Gwen dropped her bag on the table when her handkerchief fell to the ground. She tried to pick it up when she sighted Mr Josh. She screwed up her face looking at him as she walked over to him, glaring at him as she stood akimbo

"What are you doing here? Are you stalking me?" She asked rudely. 

"Why would I stalk you? I am here to meet my blind date." He replied flatly.

"Wait, when did you get out of the hospital?" He inquired.

"Blind date, I am also here to meet a blind date." She muttered, his eyes widened.

"Could it be that I am your blind date?" He inquired.

"Nah, you can't be the man I am expecting is well built." She scoffed.

"What is the name of this man?" He inquired. She frowned.