
Chapter 262: The birthday invitation

He scratched his head. 

"You know, I am smart, so stop asking silly questions." He muttered. 

"Answer me, young man. You are not going anywhere till you answer me." Daisy declared

"We did English." He muttered.

"Is English even a topic?" She inquired.

"Grandpa!!" He yelled as he ran to Mr Yan.

Daisy glared at him.

"Too smart for his own good." She muttered as a customer waved at her.

"How may I help you?" She inquired, holding a scrap book. 

"Two Coca-Colas and one French fry." He ordered.

She walked over to Mr Yan and handed him the scrap book as he gave her a white bag.

"Please go and deliver it to that customer." He beamed.

"I thought we don't accept home delivery anymore." She protested.

"This is the last one." He replied as she took it from him and started walking out of the restaurant.

"Mommy, where are you going?" Ryan inquired.

"I am going out I won't take long." She stated as she strolled out of the restaurant.

Ryan sat on a chair, tapping his finger on the table.

"When is my hero coming? He is taking too long. Once mom comes back, I know we are going shopping." He muttered to himself. 

The door flew open as Raymond walked into the restaurant. All the customers started looking at him as he dusted his suit.

"My hero!!" Ryan yelled as he ran to Raymond and hugged him. He was reaching Raymond's leg length. 

Raymond squatted down to his level, smiling widely at him.

"How are you, little one?" Raymond inquired.

"I thought you were not going to come. Why are you calling me little one? Don't you know my name?" He muttered with pouted lips.

"I know your name is Ryan, right?" Raymond inquired, 

"You see, you are not sure." He muttered as he back Raymond.

Raymond stood up. 

"I am sorry, my little friend." Raymond apologized.

Ryan turned to look at him.

"Apology accepted, come a little closer. I want to tell you something." Ryan muttered. 

Raymond bent to his level as he put his mouth in his ear.

"You look handsome today, my hero." He commented, making Raymond blush as Ryan grabbed his hand and led him to an empty table.

Raymond let go of Ryan's hand as Ryan turned to look at him.

"What is wrong, my hero?" He inquired.

Raymond stared at his wrist watch.

"I have to go now. I don't have much time." Raymond stated.

"You just came and you want to leave." Ryan muttered with a frown. 

"I am sorry, duty calls." Raymond apologized

"Wait for me!" Ryan beamed as he ran away to carry his bag.

He took out a birthday card from his bag and ran to Raymond, who was still staring at his watch, and handed it to him.

Raymond took it from him and opened it.

"You are inviting me to your birthday." Raymond beamed.

"Yes and you have to come my birthday won't be amazing without you." He muttered. 

"Since it's the weekend, I will definitely come." Raymond assured him as he shoved the card into his suit pocket.