
Chapter 261: Troublesome Wife 2

Mr Josh rushed to the chair opposite Raymond's desk and sat there as he opened the lunch box, licking his lips as he sighted mashed potatoes inside the box with tuna at the side.

Raymond looked at the food and screwed up his face.

"So she expects me to eat this?" He remarked as he walked to his seat.

"Thank you for the food, boss." Mr Josh beamed as he grabbed the spoon and scooped the food. He put the spoon in his mouth as the spoon hung in his mouth. His eyes widened as he held the spoon.

Raymond noticed his reaction and stared at him.

"What is the matter?" Raymond inquired.

Mr Josh removed the spoon from his mouth and tossed it to the floor as he dashed out of the office.

"That's weird." Raymond muttered to himself.

Mr Josh rushed to the bathroom and started throwing up in the sink. He stared at his tongue, which had turned red, and took water in his hand, using it to wash his tongue. 

He strolled back into the office with a water stain on his suit.

"What's the matter?" Raymond asked,

"I think Sofia made the food." He commented and, grabbing the lunch box, he opened the window and threw it out.

"Why did you do that? Can't you see the trash can?" Raymond asked, raising his voice,

"I am sorry sir, I just don't want to see the lunch box anymore. My tongue is still on fire." Mr Josh remarked as he grabbed Raymond's bottle of water from the table and started drinking it.

"You are getting me two bottles of water." Raymond declared as he emptied the bottle and tossed it into the trash can.

"I will." He muttered and stared at his watch.

"It's time for my blind date, I will take my leave." Mr Josh stated, and he rushed out of the office.

Raymond shook his head and stared at his wrist watch as he remembered Ryan.

"Damn, I promised to go and see him." He muttered and grabbed his jacket from his chair and put it on as he started walking out of his office with his hand in his pocket.

He began walking in the main area, heading to the entrance of the company.

"King is coming!!" One of them exclaimed as all the employees organized themselves and faced their work.

"Boss is so lucky that his wife came to give him food." One of them commented.

Raymond glared at them as they all put their heads down to avoid his gaze.

He walked out of the company and entered his car. He adjusted his side mirror as he put his hand on the steering wheel, ignited the engine, and drove off.

At the restaurant.

Ryan ran into the restaurant, looking around.

"Where is my hero?!" He yelled at the top of his lungs as the customers all looked at him.

"Come here." Daisy stated, through clenched teeth.

He ran to her and smiled widely at her.

"Good afternoon, mommy." He beamed.

"What did they teach you in school today? Because it seems the only thing on your mind is your hero." She muttered.