
Chapter 260: Troublesome Wife

Mr Josh narrowed his eyes at her.

"What is this troublemaker doing here?" Mr Josh muttered as all the employees started drooling over her.

"Isn't that Sofia the famous model?" One of them beamed.

"Yes, that's her, I heard she got married to our boss." One of them remarked,

"Our boss has good taste. His wife is hot." One of them commented as Sofia winked at an employee who nearly fell.

She smiled at them as she sighted Mr Josh who rolled his eyes.

She walked towards him.

"What are you doing here, my lady?" He inquired.

"I am here to see my husband and give him this." Sofia stated, extending her hand to the bodyguard who handed her the lunch box.

"You can give it to me, I will give it to him on your behalf." Mr Josh stated he was trying to take the lunch box from her.

"No, I will give him myself." She stated rudely and tried to enter the office when Mr Josh stood at the door.

"You can't go inside, King is busy. If you disturb him, he will get angry." Mr Josh declared.

"I don't care, get out of my way." Sofia commanded.

He refused to get out of the way as she stared at the bodyguard who wanted to pick a fight with Mr Josh to get him out of the way.

Raymond saw Mr Josh standing at the door of his office. He seemed to be struggling with someone.

Raymond closed his laptop. 

"Mr Josh!" He called out to him, but he didn't reply.

He got up from his seat and walked towards the door as Mr Josh and the bodyguard fell into the room.

Mr Josh looked at Raymond from the floor and smiled nervously at him.

Sofia also forced her way into the room, holding the lunch box.

Raymond looked at her from top to bottom, digging holes in her body.

His cold face turned into a frown, with his eyebrows lowered and pulled together.

"Are you a model or a pornstar?" He asked coldly. Her face flushed as she dragged down her dress, which went back up.

"I-i brought lunch." Sofia stuttered, with her hands trembling. As Mr Josh got up from the floor, followed by the bodyguard.

"Since when did this start?" he asked coldly.

Sofia looked down.

"You didn't eat at home, so I thought I should bring you food." She muttered.

"You don't have to worry about me. I am in charge of the food I eat." Raymond replied rudely.

She looked up at him.

"Please accept it, so the food doesn't go to waste." She muttered, smiling nervously, as she extended her hand to him.

Raymond turned to Mr Josh.

"Are you hungry?" He asked bluntly. 

"Yes, I am." Mr Josh answered and took the lunch box from Sofia.

"Thank you, my lady." he muttered with a toothy smile. Sofia's eyes started twitching as she glared at Mr Josh.

"Problem solved, so you can go," Raymond declared.

"Let's go." Sofia grumbled, staring at the bodyguard who ran over to her. She  glanced at Raymond before turning to the door.