
Chapter 254: Child talk

"I am pregnant." She stated bluntly, closing her eyes tightly. Raymond stared at her with an indifferent expression.

"Why are you telling me? Go and tell the man that got you pregnant." He muttered.

"But it’s you." She mumbled.  He smirked as he walked towards her and used his hand to raise her face, staring into her eyes, which were shaking profusely.

"How can it be me? I haven’t even slept with you yet." He muttered. She removed his hand from her face and stood up, staring into his eyes as she held onto her dress tightly.

"You haven't, but do your parents know that?" she asked, trying to be confident. He walked away from her, showing her his back.

"You have a point there, they don’t know." He stated.

"I have told all of them that I am pregnant." She stated bluntly. He turned to look at her with his eyes burning with fury.

"You what?" he asked, raising his voice.

"I told them." She said, with her head held high.

"Why did you do such a thing? Because I don’t want to have a baby with you, you went out to have sex with another man, and got pregnant, claiming the child is mine?" he stated rudely.

"The truth is I am not pregnant," she muttered.

"Then why did you lie?" he asked in a rumbling tone.

"I want you to get me pregnant so the family doesn’t find out that I lied about being pregnant." She muttered with her lips trembling.

"And you want me to help you?" he asked flatly. She nodded, smiling from ear to ear.

"I am not going to help you, you are going to give birth to the imaginary child." He stated flatly and grabbed his clothes from the bed.

He attempted to walk into the bathroom when she held his hand.

"Let go of my hand, what did I tell you about touching me." He stated coldly she let go of his hand immediately.

"You have to listen to me, it will ruin your reputation." She muttered.

"Get out of my room." He declared and dashed into the bathroom.

Sofia stared at the paper, which was fake pregnancy results.

"No-no, my plan did not work!!" she yelled and started tearing the paper with rage.

"Why is he playing hard to get? I hate him." She muttered, rolling on the bed.

She stopped and stared at the bathroom door as the doorknob started moving. Raymond had told her to leave the room. She quickly jumped down from the bed and ran out of the room with great speed, running to her room when she bumped into Mrs Kingston, who was looking down.

"Good morning, mom." She beamed.

"Hmm." Mrs Kingston muttered.

"I tried to trap Raymond with a plan, but he didn’t want to listen to me." She muttered.

"What is the plan about?" Mrs Kingston asked, confused.

"I blackmailed him that I was pregnant and I have already told everyone, that he needs to make a baby with me for real so we don’t have a bad name in society." Sofia muttered.

"What did he say?" Mrs Kingston inquired.

 Author's note

For those of you still stressing about the pregnancy part and didn't read my message before now, I made a mistake in that chapter it was supposed to be Two months later that she found out she was pregnant but I can't edit that chapter this month till next month , I hope you understand