
Chapter 253: Child talk

"What does this have to do with me and Sofia?" he inquired as he got up from the couch.

"Their situation is very similar to yours, you and Sofia have been married for years but still have no child." She muttered. 

"What are you trying to say?" he asked bluntly.

"That means you're either not a good match or someone doesn't touch their wife." She stated, indirectly, folding her hand across her chest. He narrowed his eyes at her.

"Did Sofia tell you that?" he inquired.

"Yes she did, and so what?" she asked with her mouth hanging loosely.

"I am too busy to think about a child." He stated.

She got up from the couch and stared into his eyes.

"You are the one that makes yourself busy, you are the CEO of your company. You can decide to take a break from your company." She beamed.  He smirked and looked down at her.

"To tell you the truth, after my accident, the doctor said I couldn't impregnate a woman even if I wanted to, that’s why I don’t want to give Sofia false hope." He stated. She was stunned as she opened her mouth wide in disbelief, staring at him. He smiled and closed her mouth for her, bringing her back to reality.

"Tell me you are joking?" she asked.

"I am not joking, mom, It’s the truth. You can ask the doctor if you want." He replied.

"Give me your phone, Let me give him a call." She muttered, extending her hand to him.

"He must be asleep by now, you can ask him tomorrow." He declared.

"I can’t believe this." She groaned, running her hands through her hair as she collapsed on the couch.

He chuckled and walked away.

The next day.

Sofia ran to Raymond’s room door and opened it. She took a look around the room. He wasn’t there, so she opened his closet and started going through his clothes. She took out a blue suit and arranged it on the bed, smiling continuously.

She started hearing a knock on the door. She opened the door and a maid walked in carrying food.

"Drop it on the table." Sofia commanded. She dropped it on the table and bowed slightly before running out of the room.

Sofia sat on the bed playing with her hair as she brought out a piece of paper from her trouser pocket and held it tightly, staring at it.

Raymond strolled out of the bathroom with a towel tied around his waist and a small hand dryer in his hand.

She raised her head and stared at his chest before looking up at him.

"Where are my clothes?" he inquired.

"Here." She muttered, tapping it on the bed.

"So what are you still doing here?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I wanted to talk to you about something." She muttered, avoiding his gaze as she sat up on the bed.

"Tell me what you want to say in five words." He commanded. She gulped.

"But…he cut in.

"Four words to go." He stated.