
Chapter 255: Impotent

"He asked me to give birth to the imaginary child." She muttered air quoting the sentence.

Mrs Kingston sighed, trying to walk away when Sofia stood in front of her.

"What is wrong, mom? You look pale?" Sofia muttered.

"It is nothing." Mrs Kingston replied.

"It's a lie, if you don't tell me, I am not going to leave you alone." Sofia said stubbornly.

Mrs Kingston looked sideways and grabbed Sofia's hand, leading her to her room.

"What do you want to say? Why can't you tell me here?" Sofia inquired, staring at her.

"Shh, you talk too much." Mrs Kingston remarked as they both arrived in front of her room.

She shut the door and pushed Sofia into the room, locking the door behind them. 

"Raymond told me he couldn't get a girl pregnant anymore since he had an accident." Mrs Kingston stated.

Sofia opened her mouth in surprise.

"Tell me you are joking." She muttered.

"How can I explain this to you?" Mrs Kingston grumbled.

"I don't believe, have you asked his doctor?" Sofia inquired.

"I haven't, but I will." Mrs Kingston replied.

"Hahaha." Sofia burst into laughter, laughing so hard that water started coming out of her eyes. 

Mrs Kingston weirdly stared at her.

"Are you okay? What is making you laugh?" Mrs Kingston inquired.

Sofia stopped laughing and wiped her face with a handkerchief.

"Raymond is very smart,I think he lied to you because he wanted you to leave him alone." She remarked.

"I don't think so, I will call his doctor." Mrs Kingston muttered, looking around the room for her phone.

"Take, I have his number." Sofia muttered, handing her phone to Mrs Kingston who snatched it from her. 

She dialed the doctor's number, waiting for him to pick up the car as she glared at Sofia.

"Hello, doctor." She stated.

"Hello, Miss Sofia." The doctor beamed.

"It's Raymond's mother, I want to ask you a question." She mumbled.

"Go on," he muttered.

"Is my son impotent?" She asked flatly.

"You mean Mr Raymond?" He inquired.

"Yes." The doctor replied in a shaky voice. 

"Are you sure?" She inquired.

"Yes, I am 100% sure, after his accident, he got affected mentally and even physically." He stated.

"Is there any hope that he can get better?" She inquired.

"I don't know about that yet; he hasn't shown any improvement recently, so I don't think it's possible." The doctor stated.

Mrs Kingston was lost in thought as the phone started sliding down her face. Thinking she is never going to have a grandchild from Raymond.

Sofia studied her movements and realized her phone wanted to fall from her hand as the doctor kept calling out to her. 

Sofia got up from the bed and caught her phone before it hit the ground.

"What are you doing, mom? Do you want to damage my phone?" She asked, raising her voice.

But Mrs Kingston didn't reply.

"Hello, Mom." Sofia called out to her, snapping her finger in her face. Mrs Kingston battled her lashes and stared at her.