
Chapter 248: My hero ?

"Now my hero is gone." Ryan muttered as he folded his hand across his chest and sat down on the table.

"Do you want him to stay here forever? Don't you know he is a business man?" Mr Yan stated.

"I know, he could have stayed a little longer with me." Ryan mumbled.

"I understand your anguish, my dear; all you have to do is stay calm; he said he'd come see you tomorrow, didn't he?" Mr Yan inquired. 

"Yes, and I can't wait to see him." Ryan mumbled, trying to walk to the entrance of the restaurant when Mr Yan grabbed his hand.

"You can't go outside until your mom comes back." Mr Yan declared, dragging him into the restaurant......

"Hello." Raymond said, as he started looking around the street,

"I can see you sir, I am on my way to you. Just stand where you are." The bodyguard said over the phone and hung up.

Raymond was standing there waiting for the bodyguard to arrive when his phone started ringing again. He stared at the caller. It was one of his employees. He was supposed to go to a meeting hours ago.

He picked up the call and put it in his ear.

"Hello sir, I would like to know where you are, we have been waiting for you for a long time now." The employee said in a worried tone. 

"Reschedule the meeting." Raymond declared.

"But sir, we have already.... Raymond hung up and shoved his phone in his pocket when a black Mercedes pulled up in front of him.

He opened the door and entered the car.

"Where are you going, sir?" The bodyguard inquired.

"Take me to the nearest hospital." Raymond declared.

"Why, sir, are you sick?" The employee inquired.

Raymond shot him a dagger eye. He gulped and drove off. 

Raymond relaxed on the chair. He kept seeing Ryan in his head. 

"That kid looks like me when I was a kid, maybe it's just a mere coincidence." He muttered stroking his chin.

Minutes later.

"We are here, sir," the bodyguard declared.

"Park the car in the garage." Raymond declared as he stepped out of the car.

The bodyguard saluted and drove off.

Raymond looked at the hospital and sighed.

 "Josh must be here." He muttered to himself as he brought out his phone, staring at the tracker he used to find out about Mr Josh whereabouts.

Raymond shoved his hand in his pocket with his thumb sticking out and strolled into the hospital. He looked around and spotted the receptionist as he walked over to her 

"Good afternoon, sir, how may I help you?" She asked.

"I am looking for someone, his name is Josh Lucas, he brought someone here for treatment." Raymond informed.

"Do you know the name of the patient?" She inquired.

"I don't know, just look for his name." Raymond commanded.

She stared at a file, using her finger to trace the name.

"I am sorry, I can't find it since he is not a patient." She muttered.