
Chapter 247: My hero

"What do you want now?" The gangster asked rudely.

Raymond looked at Ryan.  

"Has he paid the bill?" Raymond inquired.

"No, he hasn't." Ryan answered.

"You can't go until you pay the bill." Raymond declared, glaring at him.

"I am not paying, I would like to see who can stop me." The gangster declared and removed Raymond's hand from his shoulder.

He tried to flee when Raymond dragged him back and punched him hard across the face, causing saliva to fall from his mouth and him to stare at Raymond.

"How dare you!!" He yelled and attempted to punch Raymond, who caught his hand in the air.

"Nice try." Raymond muttered and punched him again.

He staggered backwards and brought out his wallet. He drilled out dollars and slammed it on the table before walking away.

Mr Yan turned to look at Raymond and bowed slightly.

"Thank you so much, sir, if not for you, I don't know what I could have done." Mr Yan said in a low tone as he grabbed the money from the table.

"No need to thank me, any gentlemen in my place would have done the same." Raymond assured.

"You are my hero!!" Ryan screamed as he hugged Raymond.

Raymond smiled widely as he pulled Ryan away from him and squatted at his level, touching his hair.

"Wow, you have my kind of hair." Ryan beamed. 

"Yes I do, what's your name, little one?" Raymond inquired, stroking his hair.

"My name is Ryan, what's your name, my hero?" He asked as he led Raymond back to his seat.

Raymond sat down staring at Ryan, who had removed his hand from the table and sat in front of him.

"My name is king." Raymond replied.

"You truly are a king, I will call you my hero." He squealed.

"Why are you calling me your hero?" Raymond asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Because you are," Ryan muttered as he jumped down from the table and started demonstrating. 

"You were fighting that bag guy like this and this." He muttered, blowing the air. 

Raymond chuckled.

"You are one brave kid." Raymond remarked.

"I know, right? He is just too brave for his age." Mr Yan stated, walking towards them.

"I am sorry I didn't answer you earlier. What would you like to order?" Mr Yan muttered.

Raymond stared at his wrist watch.

"I don't think I will be able to eat anything again. I have to go." Raymond muttered as he got up from the chair.

Ryan ran to him and grabbed his hand, looking up at him.

"Don't go, my hero, have something to eat." Ryan muttered.

Raymond smiled and tapped his shoulder.

"I am sorry, I need to go." Raymond muttered, trying to go, but Ryan refused to let him go. Raymond grunted and looked at Ryan, who was giving him puppy dog eyes.

"When will I see you again, my hero?" Ryan asked as Raymond's phone started ringing.

"I will come visit you here tomorrow," Raymond assured.

Ryan let go of his hand, Raymond put his phone in his ear and rushed out of the restaurant.