
Chapter 249: carelessness

"Can you perhaps tell me the room number of every female patient that has been admitted here in not less than an hour?" Raymond whispered, looking sideways.

"Who do you think you are?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I will pay you," he assured.

"I don't want your pay," she snarled, moving her hand under her desk looking for the security button.

"Boss, what are you doing here?" Mr Josh asked from behind, carrying a white bag. 

Raymond turned to look at him.

"I was looking for you? How is the lady?" Raymond inquired.

"She is fine now, but still unconscious." Mr Josh replied. Raymond narrowed his eyes at the bag.

"What is in there?" Raymond asked curiously.

"I just went out to get some food and snacks for her." Mr Josh replied. 

"Good, take me to see her." Raymond declared, walking ahead of Mr Josh who was running after him.

"Aren't you supposed to be in a meeting?" Mr Josh inquired.

"I postponed it to come here." Raymond replied.


"To see the person you nearly killed." Raymond snarled.

They both started walking down the passage in total silence.

They arrived in front of the room, and a nurse opened the door and walked out.

"Can we see her?" Mr Josh inquired.

"Yes, she is awake now, she was asking about the person that brought her here." The nurse beamed and scurried away.

Raymond attempted to twist the doorknob when Mr Josh grabbed his hand with sweat forming on his forehead.

"What's the matter?" Raymond inquired.

"I can go, I don't know how to face her." Mr Josh lamented 

"What are you scared of?You are a man now, be a man!" Raymond commanded as he stepped away from the door.

Mr Josh stood in front of the door inhaling. Raymond pushed him into the room quickly.

As they both sighted Gwen on the bed, whose head was bandaged and a small plaster on her face, her eyes were purple. 

She held her head looking at them. She opened her mouth wide in astonishment as she saw Raymond.

"You-you are Raymond Kingston." She mumbled.

"Yes, I am." Raymond mumbled, confused.

"I have been hearing about you; I had no idea I would have the chance to meet you one day; please come closer so I can confirm that I'm not dreaming," she muttered.

Raymond put on a straight face, he was not Richard, who was a celebrity, and she was acting that way.

Mr Josh quickly walked over to her and dropped the bag on top of the drawer close to her before looking at her.

"Miss, are you okay?" He inquired, putting his hand on her forehead.

She smacked his hand and gave him a resounding slap across the face.

"How dare you touch me?" She stated, glaring at him. 

"I am sorry, Miss." Mr Josh apologized as he removed his hand from his face, which had turned red.

"Sorry for yourself, you are the one that hit me with your car." She ranted, glaring at him.

"I am sorry. It was a mistake." Mr Josh apologized.